360 Kennedy Lane East, Orleans, ON K1E 3P3
Email: queenswood.uc@rogers.com Tel: 613-837-6784
Mission Statement
Community Statement
Chairs of Council
Nominating Committee
Celebration of Light and Life
Community Garden
Congregational Life
Craft Group
Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council
Finance / Stewardship Committee
Marketing and Communications
Memorial Fund
Men’s Club
Milestones (Statistical Report)
Minister’s Report
Ministry and Personnel Committee
Transition Steering Committee
QUC trustees
Outreach Committee
Pastoral Care Team
Property Development
Queenswood Crafters and Quilters
Worship Committee
Appendix “A”
Appendix “B”
Appendix “C”
At Queenswood United Church we serve God by taking care of God’s creation. We help those in need, we nurture the young, and we support our immediate community and the world community. We are conscientious stewards of God’s planet. Our service is centered in a commitment to living Christ’s love for all. It is nourished within an informal but meaningful worship life and a relationship with each other that is open, inquiring and accepting.
We are a member congregation of the United Church of Canada. We are grounded in Christian tradition and are open to the truths of other faiths.
We are a small, energetic and friendly community of faith who find joy, support and strength in worshipping and working together. Our church family is precious to us.
We strive to be faithful servants of God in our time and place.
We welcome all who quest sincerely to join us in our faith journey.
Who we are
We are an engaged community of faith, finding Christian Fellowship in our activities together. We are welcoming. We are open, accepting, respectful and sincere. We are seekers, striving to understand God’s Will for us. We are nurturers of God’s creation. We are a loving community in Christ. |
What we believe
We believe that we are not alone, that we live in God’s world. We believe that God bears unconditional love, mercy and compassion for all in all of creation. We believe that we are called by God to act in love. We believe that we are the hands and feet of God to serve others. We believe that the challenge of growing our faith is a life-long journey, and that we are greatly enriched by sharing that journey within community. We believe that, with God’s help, we can make a difference. |
How we practice
We take care of each other, in prayer and in practice. At worship we pray, sing, laugh, celebrate and reflect on the Word of God. We have a strong ministry of music. We provide a safe place to practice and explore. We focus on living Christ’s teachings through our actions. We continue our strong tradition of outreach to the greater community. We accept that we are blessed to be able to share our gifts with one another and with all creation. We celebrate the gift of God’s grace. |
Chairs of Council
During 2021, Queenswood United, as many other churches, struggled through the prolonged pandemic. From VIRTCH services in the winter and spring to in-person worship in late summer and fall, our Church moved toward normalcy. The Annual Meeting and Congregational and Council meetings all continued to be conducted through Zoom.
Don Morwick, Chair, January and February.
January and February were relatively uneventful months. Most of February was spent preparing for the Annual General Meeting on February 28, 2021, which this year, for the first time, was conducted via Zoom. This experience, which was unique in many ways, proved to be quite acceptable and served as a model for future such meetings. Participants were able to work out minor technical difficulties and the meeting proceeded in a near in-person manner.
The social highlight of February was the Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday. Since the pandemic prevented us from observing our normal in-person celebration, we owe a debt of gratitude to Elayne Bonnell. She, Marilyn Joseph, Heather Lait, and Archie Newby prepared 40 delicious pancake suppers, with all the trimmings, for take-out. Thanks, also, to the deliverers who were able to deliver these meals to us hot!
Respectfully submitted,
Don Morwick
Marilyn Joseph, Chair, March and April.
Council work after the 2021 AGM quickly returned to its usual rhythm.
At the initial meeting of the new session on March 30, we welcomed back the many returning volunteers who provided important continuity on Council. We also thanked Bob Rodney for his preparedness to serve as a Trustee, especially given the foreseen involvement of the Trustees in upcoming Property Development decisions. Heather Lait also returned to Council, after a brief hiatus, in the different role of Member-at-Large.
Since the world was still very much in pandemic mode, most of our energies expended and deci-sions made continued to be COVID-coloured. The big difference was that, whereas 2020 was largely spent responding to the legal and administrative necessities of formulating pandemic pro-tocols and policies, in 2021 the basics were already in place, and only had to be updated in re-sponse to pandemic ebbs and flows. While this was still a massive and involved task at times, there were actually weeks when one could take a breath and enjoy life in the new “normal”!
The annual Spring Fling fundraiser was cancelled in favour of a single Fall Fling event. QUC Council voted to continue with Virtch for the time being, and to gradually phase out our partici-pation by the fall, as we wanted to concentrate our limited resources on QUC-produced worship services.
A positive and hope-filled annual sign of spring occurred when Bob and Lynda Rodney began working in the community garden once again. Although it is such a heavy job, it is so much ap-preciated, by the QUC congregation, by the neighbours passing by, and certainly by the Orléans Cumberland Community Resource Centre Food Bank, where they take weekly boxes of fresh produce during the growing season. Thank you so much for your faithful service, Bob & Lynda!
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Joseph
Rose Marie MacLennan, Chair, May and June.
During these months, Council members led initiatives to support those in need within our local community. I wish to thank Bev Morwick, and the Outreach Committee, for their leadership in our support of Centre 507, and Lynda and Bob Rodney, for their significant efforts on behalf of QUC to directly support our local Food Bank, with produce from the garden. In terms of worship, our involvement with VIRTCH (virtual church services) with other communities of faith gave us an opportunity to support our local faith community, while providing intended comfort to our own congregation. Sincere thanks to Elayne Bonnell, our Worship Coordinator, and to all QUC partici-pants.
Our financial health was described at that time as being acceptable, but our local givings had defi-nitely decreased, impacted most probably by the stay-at-home period. It is always true, but espe-cially during these pandemic times, that those members and adherents who have chosen to use PAR to offer their givings to QUC, have provided and continue to provide QUC with our financial foundation. Those donations are never taken for granted; instead, they are very much appreciated, each and every month. Thank you to all who have supported the work of QUC, in whatever way you could, in time, talent, and/or givings.
As you know, our other current source of income as a community of faith comes from rentals, which have been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Many thanks goes to Marilyn Joseph for her diligent work in preparing all related documentation in order to welcome Pedalheads once again as our summer renter. Thanks also to Marilyn Joseph and Elayne Bonnell for their efforts to ensure the readiness of our physical space, and to actively support program success throughout the sum-mer. It was great for us to provide such an opportunity to support our local community! A definite win win!
Our Property Development Committee continued to work with the United Property Resource Cor-poration (UPRC) of the UCC, and their legal counsel, on documentation required for the property development proposal.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Marie MacLennan
Marilyn Joseph, Chair, July and August.
Council had anticipated important decision-making meetings around the property development issue over the summer, but, with no Council meetings held during the summer months, and prop-erty development progress slowing down over this time period, July and August were relatively quiet months for Council, although there was certainly much work going on outside of Council’s purview.
In late July we received with sadness and regret the news from Kathleen Grady-Thompson and Terry Thompson that they were leaving QUC to pursue spiritual opportunities elsewhere. Their contributions to the life of QUC over the years, from writing and producing the musical “Church of Karaoke” in 2013, to their contributions to the choir, serving as Council Secretary and on Worship Committee (Kathleen), to acting as Facebook Co-Ordinator and providing sausages for the annual Pancake Supper (Terry), will always be remembered. We look forward to seeing them once again when COVID allows us to gather at the chapel to celebrate Muriel’s life with an ice cream party.
As a result of May’s worship survey, in which the congregation indicated its appetite for return-ing to “home-grown” services, the summer months saw Don Morwick and Marilyn Joseph begin research into livestreaming technology and techniques. A fruitful visit was made to South Gloucester United Church, where Joel Ploeg gave an excellent explanation of their set-up and relayed useful related information. This was followed by the gathering of additional information from a variety of sources. Plans were formed to apply for an EOORC Vision and Transfor-mation grant with the missional goal of developing audio-visual capacity for livestreaming wor-ship services and other QUC activities for the congregation and to the wider community. QUC’s small “livestreaming group”, joined by Marta Nuijten as lead on the grant application, has bene-fitted from the invaluable involvement of Dave Clemis and Dave Patterson of Orléans United Church, who have made it their personal mission to help smaller churches develop technological capabilities within their congregations. They provided a technology budget that Marta and Mari-lyn submitted in October with the grant application, and have offered to train QUC and other volunteers on how to do the actual livestreaming. As of end 2021, the large pieces of technology have been purchased, and the group is planning a go-live date in early February 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Joseph
Don Morwick, Chair, September and October.
The Church resumed in-person worship, both outdoors and indoors on a regular basis, in late Au-gust. Rev. Laurelle Callaghan began her ministry with Queenswood United, offering weekly Sunday services as a guest minister, pending her appointment as a quarter-time minister. After a lengthy process, Rev. Laurelle’s appointment was finally approved by Council at a special meet-ing on October 12, 2021.
During my tenure, I was involved with Marilyn Joseph in exploring the possibility of incorporat-ing live-streaming into our worship service to include those who are unable to attend in person. In October we contacted Dave Patterson and Dave Clemis, experts in this field, who indicated their willingness to assist Queenswood United to develop an audio/visual system.
At the same time, after years of visioning and months of preparation, agreements with the UPRC, including contribution, partnership, and lease, were created and revised, several times, to permit the development of the Church property. Although not Chair of Council in November, it was my privilege to chair two special Council meetings and a Congregational meeting which ap-proved these documents, concluding a faith journey of almost ten years and the third attempt at property development.
The work continues …
Respectfully submitted,
Don Morwick
Rose Marie MacLennan, Chair, November and December.
November saw us welcoming back the SDA community of faith to our Chapel building. We have mutually benefitted from our ongoing relationship, and have continued to do so, amid the inherent challenges COVID has provided to us, as communities of faith. Thanks goes to Marilyn Joseph for her diligent work on our updated agreement proposal with SDA.
At our November meeting, Council initiated its preparations for our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM), set for 27 February 2022 at 2pm, by Zoom. We ask for your presence and active participation at our AGM, as we prepare ourselves to continue God’s work, both near to us and far away.
On 6 December, the Property Development Committee was able to begin the QUC decision-making process on the property development proposal, involving subsequent meetings of our Trus-tees, Council, and Congregation. Strong support of the proposal itself, and of the proposed optional exploration of the chapel building becoming a Community Hub was received. Due to Council’s subsequent decision to approve the property development proposal, the proposal was forwarded to Regional Council for final approval. At the time of writing, we are awaiting a response from Re-gional Council, which will hopefully be received shortly after their upcoming monthly meeting on 13 January 2022.
In the year 2022, may we seek and embrace opportunities for us to continue to live our faith, and be the light we are meant to be, and to do so, together.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Marie MacLennan
Nominating Committee
The following report presents a slate of Officer nominations for the Queenswood United Church Council, and Trustees for 2022. All representatives of the Council, and the Trustees must be voted in by the Congregation at the Annual General Meeting, with the exception explained be-low.
QUC Council
Chair (in rotation) | Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, Rose Marie MacLennen |
Chair Elect | Vacant |
Past Chairs (in rotation) | Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, Rose Marie MacLennen |
Transition Steering Committee | Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, Rose Marie MacLennen |
Administration | Vacant |
Treasurer | Julia Picotte |
Secretary | Carol Pugsley |
Finance (Stewardship) | Marilyn Joseph |
Ministry & Personnel | Don Morwick |
Worship Support | Elayne Bonnell |
Pastoral Care Liaison | Lynda Rodney |
Outreach | Bev Morwick |
Trustees | Frank Stacey |
Property Development | Rose Marie MacLennan |
Property | Archie Newby & Bob Rodney |
Regional Representative | Marilyn Joseph |
Marketing and Communication | Vacant |
Members at Large | Heather Lait and Susanne Watt |
Ministry & Personnel | Don Morwick |
Congregational Life | Lynda Rodney |
Christian Education | Vacant |
Youth Representative | Vacant |
Trustees: Frank Stacey (Chair), Rev. Trisha Elliott, Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, Bob Rodney, and Rose Marie MacLennan
Note: Rev. Trisha Elliott is both an automatic member of Council, and the Council Executive, as well as an automatic Trustee, by virtue of her position, as our Community of Faith Supervisor, in accordance with Bylaws within the 2022 Manual of the United Church of Canada. She is there-fore not elected by the Congregation.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Marie MacLennan
Member, Nominating Committee
As has been the case since the beginning of 2019, Queenswood United Church did not have a Chair of Administration or any official committee members this past year. Again, various volun-teers ensured the proper completion of tasks and responsibilities.
The Administration job consists of about 8 tasks that are quite independent of each other, and include: the United Church of Canada (UCC) mandated Annual Statistical Report; insurance renewal; the maintenance, repair and replacement of office computers and printers; the mainte-nance of QUC Constitution and policy documents; maintenance of the Historical (Membership) Log and Database; Public Access Defibrillator (PAD); office supplies and keys; and rental con-tracts and oversight. Once again in 2021, extra effort was often required to complete these re-sponsibilities in a pandemic environment.
The comings and goings of rental groups continued to reflect the ebbs and flows of the COVID virus, with such groups as Elections Canada, a small church, and a pianist, making enquiries in the first half of the year, and a long-time yoga group actually holding classes. Pedalheads re-turned for another year during the months of July and August, and the sights and sounds of chil-dren playing outdoors on our property while learning bicycle skills brought daily delight. The tremendous efforts of Elayne Bonnell to make our premises welcoming to both children and staff were greatly appreciated!
Vaccines began to change the landscape, and early fall saw the cautious return to weekly rehears-als of the Ottawa Community Symphony Orchestra (OCSO), plus occasional chapel rental by a musical theatre group. The Orléans Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) three-year rental agreement with QUC ended in June 2021, and a temporary interim agreement was put in place until such time as the church was ready to reinstate in-person worship. That happy moment oc-curred in early November, with a gradual and very careful return to chapel usage. Much detailed work went into crafting a new multiyear agreement with the SDA, as QUC’s lawyers ensured that the agreement aligned with the planned property development. Since November, a Scout group has used the chapel alternate Tuesdays, while Cub and Beaver groups have booked Thurs-day evenings for their weekly meetings.
The effect of the Omicron variant, which arrived in Ottawa in late November, on chapel rentals going forward is as yet unknown. Office Administrator Marilyn Webster continues to handle most of the rental duties, in consultation with Marilyn Joseph, who handles the SDA contract, and ensures that all rental groups provide a written plan confirming their commitment to follow ever-evolving health and safety protocols.
Due to a change in the UCC insurance provider, we were obligated to completely re-apply for our insurance, a time-consuming exercise. We meticulously verified building characteristics and re-assessed our insurance requirements according to updated criteria. This was greatly helped along by Marilyn Webster’s previous experience in the field, and we again relied on input from Stan Blythe.
Early in 2021 QUC took advantage of the offer of some items from St Paul’s-Eastern UC in Sandy Hill, which had made the difficult decision to close the pastoral charge, and ended up taking several items which were of greatest potential use to us. Chief among these are an AV cart, destined to house our “live-streaming central” set-up, and the commercial-grade copier/printer/scanner, which should be an economical replacement for the two current printers.
Our thanks go out to IT specialist Jamie Morwick, who assessed the church laptop and rebuilt it to the full extent of its capabilities. Although it is not suitable for use in live-streaming activities, it does have a webcam (unlike the office computer), and microphone, and works with Zoom, so could come in handy when these amenities are needed for remote meetings from the chapel.
This year the two Marilyn’s, Don Morwick, and Stan Blythe put together a Computer Backup and Recovery Plan (BRP) in response to an important business security issue that needed to be ad-dressed. QUC can lose access to computer and paper files for a number of reasons, including computer failure, downed servers at our software providers and a catastrophic event at the chapel, such as fire or flood. A BRP has figured on the Report and Recommendations from the Annual Independent Review of Financial Records for a few years now. The BRP group worked over sev-eral months to create a comprehensive plan, which is now in place.
Special thanks go to past Administration Committee chair Stan Blythe, who continues to play an invaluable supportive role in administration-related issues. In addition to his help and advice with the BRP, and the writing and negotiating of the SDA interim and two-year agreements, Stan continues to maintain the Historical Log and Database to reflect changes in QUC member-ship, and is always available to listen, encourage and advise.
Elayne Bonnell consistently provides an invaluable service at the chapel, procuring office and chapel supplies, monitoring the PAD batteries, and managing recycling and garbage among other tasks. She and Marilyn Webster re-organized the key log this year. Care has been taken to en-sure that renters, with necessary exceptions, do not have access to the offices.
All of the volunteers involved in supporting church administration are thanked for their faithful service to Queenswood. Even the seemingly tiniest contribution is essential to keeping the church functioning well, and is recognized with gratitude.
Marilyn Joseph
Chair, Finance & Stewardship Committee
Celebration of Light and Life
With more opportunity to worship and gather in our sanctuary, there was greater appreciation for the lights shining in honour of 61 significant persons and events for 2021. Thank you for your contributions to the light and life of Queenswood United Church
Ephesians 5:13 – “and when all things are brought out to the light, then their true nature is clearly revealed;
Respectfully Submitted
Elayne Bonnell
Community Garden
The gardens were a success again this year. We were able to deliver a large box of fresh vegetables weekly to the food bank. It is a lot of work but the Food Bank is so thankful for fresh items.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Rodney
Congregational Life
In spite of Covid, we were able to have some congregational activities.
We had a very successful Fall Fling. Many of our church members not only attended but also had tables to sell many personal items. The craft group had worked very hard to produce many hand crafted articles. There was a very large bake table, thanks to all our bakers. Susanne had a great table of her crafts and preserves. Thanks to so many of our church family who helped make this happen. We also were able to raise some money for our community.
To celebrate the 96th Birthday of the United Church we made and decorated 96 cupcakes and delivered them to 43 households in our church. Again this was possible because of the many bakers in our church and the people that were willing to deliver them.
We were able to have a Christmas tea at the chapel. We had lots of baked goods with tea or coffee. We finished the afternoon off with trivia from Bob. It was a lot of fun and the winning team was rewarded with chocolate. Many thanks to all that attended and baked. It would not have been a success without your help.
We then started “What’s Up “. It is a drop-in at the chapel for talk and fellowship. It is held on Tuesdays at 11:00 AM. The people that attended help get things ready for Remembrance Day and help decorate the trees in the chapel for Christmas. Anyone is welcome to join us.
Now with Covid on the rise we will not have any activities until things are safer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynda and Bob Rodney
Craft Group
The Craft Group has not met this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, we were able to participate in the Fall Fling on September 25. 2021.
Thanks to the outstanding contributions of Donna Booth, Helen Keeney, and Jackie Tuttle, we filled 4 over-flowing tables with a wide variety of crafts. Special thanks goes to Adele Hamlin who journeyed up from Kingston to add a huge bag of knitting and crocheting to our tables! We were very happy to donate $541.05 to the total earned at the very successful Fair.
Our group will continue to work at home in hopes of participating in next year’s Fair.
Respectfully crafted,
Bev Morwick
Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council
As with other aspects of church life, 2021 saw EOORC continuing its adaptation to life in a pandemic. It was encouraging to see that many exhausted resource staff and pastoral charge clergy were able to schedule vacation time or restorative leave later in the year, and return to their demanding positions, hopefully refreshed.
Winter Meeting February 27, via Zoom
This meeting, as with all church-related programming, provided an occasion for spiritual refreshment and practical support. UCC General Secretary Rev. Michael Blair addressed the delegates, acknowledging that each was in a different place during this pandemic time – from deep weariness, feelings of uselessness, fear and depression, to elation derived from doing meaningful work. Jesus tells us, in Matt 11: 28, ”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. His excellent advice: we need to make peace with where each of us is at right now, and to walk with God.
I attended a workshop, “Bypassing the pandemic: Community Connection During These Times”, animated by our Virtch colleagues David Patterson and Rev. Eric Lukas. David provided practical information on how churches could connect electronically to their congregations and communities, and offered his services to pastoral charges in need of technical expertise. Rev. Eric, with great compassion, addressed the very real stress and sense of helplessness experienced by clergy and church leaders, especially those in small and rural charges, where internet could be unreliable or non-existent and populations are scattered. He emphasized that the personal connection is the most important. All humans need to know they are not alone, they are loved, they be-long, they are children of God, and they are useful. Communications to congregation members, whether via technology or by other means, should be undertaken with these needs in mind. He spoke about how any pastoral charge could creatively connect with its people, sending sermons, parish news, Bible Studies, and other materials via telephone, recordings, hand-delivered print newsletters, and other means. Hearing of the problems experienced by some far-flung congregations highlighted how fortunate we are at QUC, with stable internet connections and our super-dedicated, faithful volunteers and clergy.
Attendees were also able to confirm, as a group, that singing “together” with our mics turned on, was not artistically feasible due to the timing delay on Zoom!
Annual General Meeting (AGM) May 7 & 8, via Zoom!
Unlike the other two meetings in the EOORC calendar, the AGM was held over the course of two half-days, with an emphasis on business, and the passing of policy and other documentation.
As a preamble to the business agenda, Adele Halliday, UCC’s Anti-racism and Equity Officer spoke about the church’s commitment, formalized in October 2020, to become an anti-racist de-nomination in all of its ministries. The UCC has taken significant steps along this path in its history, and is now challenging every level of the church, including pastoral charges and congregation members, to answer the call. For instance, all church meetings and activities should be undertaken with an “equity monitor” that encourages individuals to question themselves on their biases, to ask who is missing or hasn’t been heard in discussions, in order to widen the scope of viewpoints, and to entertain new ways of doing things. At QUC we can also incorporate the equity and anti-racist challenge into our mission efforts arising from “Living God’s Dream”.
Delegates then dealt with business issues, looking at every document and policy decision through an equity lens. Updated policies can be found in the EOORC Governance Handbook, at https://eoorc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/November-27-2021-Revised-EOORC_Governance-Handbook.pdf.
Fall Meeting Saturday November 27, via Zoom
This meeting was book-ended by an opening worship led by a class of newly-graduated Licensed Lay Worship Leaders, and a closing covenanting ceremony with the group. It was encouraging to see the skills and gifts offered by these new worship leaders in our region.
The assembly approved the creation of a new ½ time regional staff position for youth, that of Di-rector for Camp Awesome. Camp Awesome is EOORC’s bilingual summer day camp programme offered to churches across the region on their own premises.
A section highlighting United Property Resource Corporation (UPRC) featured an excellent video which outlined its vision of developing resilient communities for the social, environmental and spiritual common good. UPRC believes that our church properties have faithfully served their communities for generations, and that they can continue to be an ongoing gift for generations to come. During the discussion, EOORC Executive Minister, Rev. Rosemary Lambie, specifically mentioned QUC’s ongoing relationship with UPRC.
Once again in 2021, the region organized several activities to support pastoral charges in delivery of their usual programming to congregations, such as region-wide confirmation classes and an on-line Sunday School program.
Given the preponderance of virtual worship services being offered during the pandemic, EOORC has produced a music copyright information package for pastoral charges.
The EOORC United We Stand campaign to raise funds for Veteran’s House concluded on June 30, with EOORC churches and individuals raising $115,000, matched by an equal amount from the Commissionaires of Ottawa. A picture of Frank Stacey and Rev. Laurelle holding QUC’s cheque for $1,683 is available at https://www.multifaithhousing.ca/united-we-stand.html.
EOORC Finance Leadership Team announced the exploration of an investment vehicle that they expect to be able to offer to congregations soon, so that those with under $2 M to invest can capitalize on group return rates. The firm involved is the same one that manages investments for the UCC Foundation.
To provide additional guidance to communities of faith which have made the difficult decision to close, EOORC has developed a Steps for Closing Well Toolkit to supplement closing policies in the Governance Handbook.
United Church of Canada (UCC) News
The 2021 version of UCC core document, The Manual, came into effect as of March 1.
United Church Publishing House announced the website launch for “Then Let Us Sing!”, (www.thenletussing.ca), an online music portal that will make all of the United Church’s hymn resources available in one digital location and under one copyright license. The release date is foreseen for fall 2024, in time for UCC’s 100th anniversary year.
After a sustained consultation process, in October UCC adopted the following vision statement of what the denomination aspires to be over a five-to-ten-year span:
Called by God, as disciples of Jesus, The United Church of Canada seeks to be a bold, connect-ed, evolving church of diverse, courageous, hope-filled communities united in deep spirituality, inspiring worship, and daring justice.
The UCC Call reflects the core of our purpose, sharing who we seek to be in “such a time as this” (Esther 4:15):
Deep Spirituality Bold Discipleship Daring Justice
It is now up to us, the Body of Christ, to live into these challenges.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Joseph
Lay Representative
Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council
Finance/Stewardship Committee
The purpose of the Finance/Stewardship Committee is “to manage the financial affairs of the church in the best interests of the congregation and in keeping with the over-all objectives of the church”. Its primary role is one of oversight, to make sure the framework is in place for church finances to take place in accordance with good governance practices and in compliance with rel-evant legislation. Current membership consists of a Chair (Marilyn Joseph), Church Treasurer (Julia Picotte), and Stewardship lead, Rose Marie MacLennan.
Financial Health and Budget
This year sees QUC in a very different place from early 2020. Last year, prior to the onset of the pandemic, QUC was in dire financial difficulty, and, in the early days of COVID, our very sur-vival was at risk. This year the focus has been less on survival and reacting to crises, and more on consolidation and building. There remain difficulties in budgeting and predicting during a pan-demic, but F&S has learned flexibility is essential in an unpredictable environment. And, as in the past, F&S committee recognizes that we are blessed at QUC to be part of a congregation that cares so deeply about our church family, and gives so much of themselves to support the health of the pastoral charge.
In general, QUC’s financial health is improved. The 2021 budget was based on the provision of basic services and functions, with the possibility of building on that foundation if the situation improved, and, while remaining prudent, we have been able to provide those basic services. We have rebuilt the Contingency Fund, and the Operating Fund is solvent. The cashflow document, a useful tool for monitoring and predicting, will continue to be kept updated for the foreseeable future. We are extremely grateful for PAR income, as it forms our financial foundation – it is our only regular, predictable income. And, early in 2021, QUC learned with love and gratitude that Marie Latter had remembered us in her will by making a modest bequest to the pastoral charge. As mandated by UCC directives, the bequest is being managed by the Trustees.
The Annual Assessment decreased again year-over-year, reflecting a reduction in our annual income. We continued to qualify for federal government grants through the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) until the program expired at the end of October, but, with only one part-time employee, the amount received was minimal. We will know at a later date whether the addition of a short term quarter time ministerial appointment, will qualify us for the CEWS re-placement program.
The 2021 budget called for modest income from both rental and fundraising activities. Thanks to leadership efforts by Lynda Rodney and Jackie Tuttle and the Men’s Club, the “Fall Fling” community event and fundraiser, plus spring and fall MacMillan’s campaigns, once again brought in much-appreciated funds. And, in early December, a small contingent of “Holy Rollers” (Kim & Joey Gratton, Elayne Bonnell, Albert & Marilyn Joseph) met in masked and distanced splendour in the Orleans United Church (OUC) kitchen, and produced 39 dozen peanut butter balls, just in time for Christmas giving. Food cards, Light & Life, and bulletin sponsorship, rounded out our fundraising income.
Pastoral charges had been warned by UCC financial leaders that insurance costs, due to an industry self-correction, would rise by 30 – 35% in 2021, and they were not wrong. We are fortunate to benefit from the bargaining power provided by the over 1,200 United Churches across the country who use UCC Protect, and also fortunate that all of the negotiating is done on our behalf by UCC financial leaders. In spite of this group power, our annual insurance costs rose by over $1,500 from 2020, compared to a 1% increase only a year previously.
Short-Term Ministry Appointment
The proposal for a short-term ministry appointment required much research and thought, as it was not clear whether QUC would be able to fund ministry costs for the entire year, especially in a pandemic environment. A ministry presence was considered by the Transition Steering Committee to be very important for the health of our congregation as we moved forward into the property development phase of our congregational life, with its potential accompanying mission. Certainty in our ability to fund the ministry appointment was considered essential.
When F&S met in July to determine the financial viability of the proposal, the Committee recommended that QUC rework its loan agreement with UCC to be able to cover the costs of the ministry appointment for 2022, where the financial outlook was less clear. The Committee produced an updated 2021 budget, based on actuals and anticipated ministerial costs, and UPRC agreed to rework the UCC Loan to include ministerial costs, if needed. However, by the time the appointment was to begin, we still had no updated loan documentation from the UCC Insurance & Risk Management team, so F&S asked the Trustees for access to the Latter Bequest funds, if it became necessary. This request was passed by Trustees and Council, and Rev. Laurelle Callaghan officially became QUC’s quarter time ministry appointment as of October 1, 2021. To the end of 2021, QUC has been able to finance the position, and anticipates no difficulties going forward.
Property Development Finances
All expenses related to the property development process are assigned to the UCC Loan, which is currently in the process of being updated and expanded, and the terms of which are not yet completely finalized. Property development costs incurred in 2021 were to fund our Edge consultant, whose advice, perspective and experience have been a great help to us over the past several years, and to pay our lawyers. The terms of the new loan, and the balance on the loan will be known early in 2022.
Charity Return and Tax Receipts
Many deadlines which were changed during 2020 to accommodate the early days of the pandemic reverted to their normal time frame in 2021. The Treasurer submitted QUC’s Charity T3010 Return at the end of June 2021, and, for the first time, QUC provided contactless, inexpensive delivery of tax receipts by sending them as email attachments to those who requested this delivery option.
Your F&S committee members are stewards of QUC’s finances. We work and plan while al-ways remembering that QUC’s financial health is not an end in itself – it is a means by which we can continue to do God’s work in the world. Rose Marie MacLennan, Julia Picotte, and I are strongly committed to QUC, and strive to maximize our church’s ability to uphold our own congregation and to impact the wider community. We look forward to further supporting the QUC church family and its mission in 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Joseph
Chair, Finance/Stewardship Committee
Marketing and Communication Committee
Marketing & Communications Committee does not have a volunteer Chairperson in 2021. The committee therefore functions with three members, financial oversight by the Chair of the Finance & Stewardship Committee, and decision-making input from Council and congregation members as needed.
The three current committee members are: Ron Newby (QUC Webmaster), Marta Nuijten (QUC Website Information Coordinator), and Carol Pugsley (QUC Facebook (FB) Information Coor-dinator). Our YouTube site has only been used once so far.
The purpose of our social media sites is “to make information about the church and its activities available to friends of the church and to the public, to form new connections, and to inspire all who are interested”. The site managers verify the accuracy of information to be posted, ensure it is consistent with QUC’s values, and coordinate with each other to keep our media sites consistent and up-to-date.
In mid-2021 QUC’s original Facebook Co-Ordinator, Terry Thompson, resigned his position and left QUC in order to explore new spiritual paths. Fortunately, Carol Pugsley agreed to take on the responsibilities, and is doing an excellent job. The Facebook Team is now rounded out by Brian Bertrand and Rose Marie MacLennan, both of whom have administrator status on our Facebook account, and can therefore, post items if Carol is unavailable to do so. Our sincere thanks go to Terry for pioneering QUC’s Facebook platform, and for nurturing it faithfully during all those years.
QUC is now planning an additional use for our Facebook and YouTube sites. Because we could not meet in person to worship, this year’s Easter Sunday service was live-streamed on FB from the chapel, with no congregational presence. The live stream was then uploaded to QUC’s YouTube site, and is still available on both platforms. In spite of some minor technical difficulties, it was well-received by the congregation, and has shown us a way forward for the future, where we can make available regular worship services plus other QUC events and activities, to all who wish to join us but are unable to attend in person.
Our Facebook site debuted on May 1, 2012, and, over the years, has reflected our dynamic, caring, and joyful church family back to ourselves, to friends, and to the wider community. QUC’s website continues to improve in liveliness and currency. All QUCers and friends are encouraged to send items of interest to either Marta or Carol (or both) for posting on our website and Face-book platforms.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Joseph
Chair, Finance/Stewardship Committee
Memorial Fund
The Memorial Fund includes Marilyn Joseph, Lynne Stacey and Elayne Bonnell. Oversight is provided by QUC Council. There were four donations in 2021 totaling $140.00. As well, we received a substantial memorial donation from the Latter family in memory of Paul and Marie. This was invested by the Trustees of QUC. One mandate of the Memorial Fund is to provide funds for unbudgeted Christian Education expenses. Thusly, we purchased 5 copies of “Religion and Ethnicity in Canada” for the religious study group, which cost $185.00. Some copies may be donated to QUC for future use by congregational members as a contribution to the spiritual growth and faith formation of QUC. The balance as of Dec 21, 2021 was $6545.96
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynne Stacey, Marilyn Joseph and Elayne Bonnell
Men’s Club
As the pandemic continued so did the restricted activities of the Men’s Club. Our regular meetings were still confined to afternoons in member’s driveways or the Church portables when it was cold.
In spite of this the Men’s Club participated in the Fall Fling in September and raised $195 from the sale of books, puzzles, and DVD’s. On behalf of the Church, with the proceeds going directly to Queenswood United, we managed two successful MacMillan’s fund-raisers. In the spring we realized $97.50 and in the fall, $179.40.
During 2021 the Men’s Club ‘s donations included the purchase of a $50 food card which Rev. Laurelle keeps on hand for emergency use, $100 to Centre 507 as part of the White Gift Sunday collections, and $250 to the Church for the purchase of a network expansion kit so that the computers can communicate with the new photocopier. In addition to performing odd jobs around the Church, we are willing to assist it financially to the limit of our resources.
The Club retained its small membership of seven during 2021 although we seldom all met together due to work demands and pandemic restrictions. We reconnected with Greg Bode and he is able to join us as his schedule permits.
I would like to thank all the members, Stan Blythe, Rick Giles, Archie Newby, Ron Newby, Pete Visser, and Steve Williams, for their support as we look forward to another year of challenges.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Morwick
Aliya Ivy McKie Croteau, born November 7, 2020. Baptized November 14, 2020 by Rev. Laurell Callaghan.
There were 17 family members present and pandemic protocol followed.
Congregational representatives were Lynne Stacey and Elayne Bonnell.
Marie Latter – November 7, 1925 to February 5, 2021
Transfers Out – None
Weddings, New Members, Communions – None
Coffee Fund
2020: $7.00
2021: $15.00
Total: $22.00
5 Cans of coffee on hand. Coffee /cream donated.
Respectfully submitted,
Elayne Bonnell
Minister’s Report
It was my great pleasure to accept a year long appointment to QUC which commenced Oct 1, 2021. My ministry within the Queenswood family predated the appointment and even the appointment process. I began as a volunteer within the church community in Jan 2021, leading a Religious Studies Group on zoom and conducting some church services. As life began to ‘open up’ in Jun 2021, I approached the Transition Steering Committee with the suggestion of a more formal ministry arrangement on a part time basis. Many, many zoom meetings later with the TSC, as well as their hard work with Ottawa-Outaouais Regional UCC Office, the appointment be-came official on Oct 1. The appointment is for 40hrs per month, usually working out at 10hrs per week.
There has been a flurry of activity this fall as we were able to come together as a congregation in worship and in congregational activities. In October, with the leadership of Lynda Rodney (pastoral care) we started at Tues What’s Up? Coffee time. I have attended when I was able to do so. In addition, the Queenswood Quilters and Crafters began to meet regularly on Thurs. As an avid quilter, I attended this group when possible. Both these groups allowed me also to be avail in the office on Tues and Thurs mornings, until Covid closed our gatherings.
I worked closely with Elayne Bonnell, Worship Coordinator; we planned services together and she worked diligently in ensuring the bulletin was produced, the sanctuary was ready for ‘socially distanced service’ and communion was prepared when needed. In addition, Elayne and I shared worship leadership. Thank you, Elayne!
Covid interrupted our lives again just before Christmas; Christmas Eve was our first zoom worship service. Thank you to Rose Marie MacLennan for her leadership on zoom and my husband, Doug Tudor for provision of technical support. We will use the same template as we continue to zoom worship in January.
It has been wonderful to renew and deepen friendships at QUC. I look forward to 2022 and all that the Spirit will call us to do.
Respectfully submitted,
LCol(ret’d)the Rev’d Laurelle Callaghan
Ministry and Personnel Committee
The diminishing number of actively-involved Queenswood United Congregants and then the COVID-19 pandemic caused a change of governance of the Church in 2020. The resultant Transition Steering Committee assumed some of the M&P Committee’s duties. At the same time, financial responsibility for all personnel costs associated with the former Worship and Pastoral Care Committees was transferred to Ministry and Personnel. This situation prevailed throughout 2021.
On March 25 the Committee conducted the Office Administrator’s first performance review via Zoom, with, Ray Bonnell, Don Morwick, Marta Nuijten, and Marilyn Webster, present. Marilyn is a superior Office Administrator.
When Rev. Nancy departed, the Regional Pastoral Relations Council appointed Rev. Mike Perrault as Queenswood United’s Community of Faith Supervisor. In September, Rev. Mike assumed new duties which prevented him from continuing as our supervisor. We welcomed Rev. Trisha Elliott as his replacement. She has become an enthusiastic supporter of our Church.
The Reverends Hilary and Robert Merritt continue to give the members of Queenswood United exceptional pastoral care. They currently visit regularly with 3 or 4 Church Congregants, and even when away, manage to maintain a telephone presence with them. We are fortunate to have such a caring couple to rely on for our pastoral care.
During the summer, Rev. Laurelle Callaghan approached the Transition Steering Committee to offer her services for weekly Sunday worship. On behalf of M&P, and as a member of the TSC, I participated in, what became a lengthy process, the appointment of Rev. Laurelle as a quarter-time supply minister. For the first time the Committee was faced with the task of arranging the appointment through a new online entity known as the ChurchHub. This involved Queenswood United advertising for the ministerial vacancy and Rev. Laurelle announcing her availability for such a position, all properly timed for the two parties to meet! As the result, the Church welcomed Rev. Laurelle as a guest minister throughout September and as our newly appointed minister in October.
As our appointed minister, Rev. Laurelle is entitled to a month’s vacation leave which, includes five Sundays, as well as 3 weeks study leave. Consequently, in her absence, M&P, in conjunction with Elayne Bonnell, is responsible for engaging Licenced Lay Worship Leaders (LLWL’s) to supply Sunday worship.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Stan Bythe to the Ministry and Personnel Committee and to thank Marta Nuijten and Ray Bonnell, as well as associated members, Elayne Bonnell, Worship Co-ordinator, and Lynda Rodney, Pastoral Care Liaison, for their valued input and support during another pandemic year.
We are looking forward to the challenges of the New Year.
Respectfully submitted,
Don Morwick, Chair.
Transition Steering Committee
During this year, a key focus within the Transition Steering Committee mandate with responsibility for personnel resources, and for organizational changes during transition as a Community of Faith has been the staffing and selection of our quarter-time appointed Minister.
This past summer, Reverend Laurelle Callaghan approached the Committee to offer her service as an ordained Minister who felt called to serve the Congregation at Queenswood United. She had attended Queenswood United previously, and therefore was already known by the Congregation. Her offer was for one quarter time ministry, with the primary focus being on Sunday worship, with other possible spiritual leadership activities, as time allowed. As a Committee, the opportunity to offer our QUC Community of Faith the ongoing presence and engagement of a very experienced Minister certainly was a high priority.
Subsequent discussions led to a mutually agreed upon Statement of Work, and a structured inter-view with our Committee. With the support of Council, and Regional Council, Rev. Callaghan became our officially appointed Minister effective 1 October 2021, after having been a visiting Minister at QUC as of late August and during the month of September. As for many communities of faith in these challenging COVID times, may I suggest that we were in need of a revival of our spirit, and may I say, that such has been provided.
Also on the theme of spiritual care, ensuring pastoral care services for our Congregation also comes under the scope of our Committee mandate, while we are in transition. Our Ministry Team has also very fortunately included experienced Ministers Rev. Robert Merritt, and Rev. Hilary Merritt, who have ably provided pastoral care to our Congregation. They have done so either by phone, or in person as appropriate, which has been greatly appreciated. We have truly been blessed in our total Ministry Team, who have walked with us on our pathway this year.
Another key area of focus for the Committee within our mandate has been its ongoing liaison with those fellow Council members and resource persons involved in the provision of direct support to our staff and Congregation during these times. The need for our liaison has partially stemmed from fewer personnel resources within some committees, partly related to the ongoing virus situation, and our need to regroup towards the future form of our Community of Faith. This has included liaison as needed with our Ministry Team, our Worship Coordinator, members of our M&P Commit-tee, and also with our Pastoral Care Liaison person. The collaboration of all has been most sincerely appreciated, in the best interests of our beloved Community of Faith.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Marie MacLennan
Member, Transition Steering Committee
QUC Trustees
Our Trustees have definitely had more reason to gather in 2021, than in most years. There were five meetings during the year.
On 4 May, we gathered to review the options for the short term placement of the recently received bequest by Marie Latter, until such time as Council will decide, upon recommendation of the Trustees, as to its long term investment or use. A plan to meet with bank officials to confirm the best option was initiated.
On 10 May, the Trustees met again to confirm the plan for the bequest after several Trustees had held discussions with bank personnel. A motion to place the bequest amount into a Business Premium Rate Savings Account was approved.
Related discussion on the value of a long term investment plan also occurred during both meetings in May. Marilyn Joseph provided her input from a recent discussion with Roger Janes of UCC regarding investment policy and requirements. Rev. Mike Perreault shared his awareness of investment policy statements and recommended goals.
On 12 October, the Trustees met to consider a motion from Marilyn Joseph as Chair of the Finance and Stewardship Committee that would provide access to the Latter bequest, either in total or part thereof, for the purpose of funding the Supply Ministry Appointment, should there be demonstrated need to do so. Marilyn provided the background for this request which stemmed from the uncertainty of our income especially during the pandemic, due to a drop in local givings, and the loss of rental income. The motion was approved.
On 6 December, the Trustees met to consider a motion from Rose Marie MacLennan as the Chair of the Property Development Committee that the Trustees recommend the property development proposal with the United Property Resource Corporation, (UPRC) to Council. The legal agreements related to the proposal had been previously distributed to all Trustees for review. Rose Marie gave a brief summary of the proposal, and Kris Tavella of UPRC briefed the Trustees on the Development Plan. After some discussion, a vote was held, and the motion was approved.
On 12 December, the Trustees present for the Congregational Meeting, and the subsequent Special Council meeting, met in accordance with UCC policy, to consider the Council direction concerning the property development proposal. Council, after having consulted the Congregation, had decided to approve the proposal. Therefore a motion was put forth to follow Council direction, which was subsequently approved.
Therefore on 13 December, on behalf of Frank Stacey, Chair of Trustees, I requested Regional Council approval of the property development proposal with UPRC, having provided a Project Summary, as well as the proposed Contribution Agreement, Limited Partnership Agreement, and Queenswood Congregation Lease.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rose Marie MacLennan
Trustee and Recorder
On behalf of Frank Stacey, Chair of Trustees
Outreach Committee
Outreach works to help those in need in our City and around the world. We are a small group of five who are truly blessed by a Congregation who supports our requests, both enthusiastically and generously.
Our work this year has been impacted by COVID-19 – both by what we could do and by the types of requests we received. As a result, we limited our focus to 2 groups – Centre 507 and, in December, Veteran’s House.
Centre 507, a drop-in and support centre at 507 Bank Street in Centretown United Church, sup-ports those in the neighbourhood who are in rooms or apartments, and a number who are home-less. We keep in touch with Richard Leblanc, the Executive Director, to know what they need. They continued their “food-to-go” lunch program and requested drinking boxes and granola bars to augment the lunch bags. The need was critical as they gave out between 100 and 200 bags a day! We started a “drive-by” campaign for these essentials and the Congregation responded mightily. Between June and August we collected 878 drinking boxes, 1453 granola bars, and 75 bottles of water, as well as $239.55. What a wonderful result, especially when Richard told Jackie Tuttle that our donations really helped to support their work.
We changed focus in September with a collection of much needed toiletries for the Centre. Some of the articles donated included toilet paper, soap, toothpaste and brushes, razors, shampoo, deodorant, and even a hair dryer and curling iron!
In October we were honoured to be asked to present a worship service about our work. As a result “Outreach Snapshots” illustrated the wide variety of work done by the Congregation. Bob Rodney spoke about our Community Gardens and the fresh produce he and Lynda took to the CRC. Frank Stacey told us about Veteran’s House and Elayne Bonnell spoke about Miriam Cen-tre and its work. Bev Morwick gave a brief outline of our continuing work with Centre 507. Lucie Deschamps used the sermon time to give us an update on KIVA. She introduced us to new recipients and showed how the pandemic was affecting how slowly the loans were being repaid or even cancelled.
Even in October we continued the collection of granola bars (247) and drinking boxes (101) for Centre 507.
We are very grateful to Fern Casey who donated men’s clothing to QUC. Thanks to Frank Stacey who took this generous donation to Veteran’s House.
December saw the continuation of the decoration of our Christmas trees with warm clothing for the clients of Centre 507. We were still meeting in the Church but we filled the trees to overflow-ing before service, to avoid folk moving around in the Sanctuary.
An exciting initiative this year was providing Christmas stockings for the residents of Veteran’s House. We filled 7 stockings for women and 28 for men. It was like being “Santa” as we filled them with razors, shampoo, soap, candy canes, a Mandarin orange (provided by the Craft Group), a “gold” chocolate Loonie, a $10 Tim’s card (purchased by Laurelle and Doug), and ex-tra gloves. A thank you to Susanne Watt for her hand-made bookmarks for each woman and to Frank Stacey for delivering them to Veteran’s House. Special thanks to Marianne and Dave Morwick for their trays of delicious baking which was delivered by Frank just before Christmas!
Other donations during the year included $1683.00 to MHI’s campaign towards the building of Veteran’s House and $175.35 from 3 “Bread” for Bread collections, sent to Centre 507 to help with their various programmes. Lucie Deschamps continues to monitor our KIVA loans and makes new ones once we have $100 in the account.
Once again COVID-19 is influencing our work. With no in-Sanctuary services in early 2022 (only via Zoom), we must rethink how we can continue to help those in need. But Queenswood United is the “little church with the big heart” and I know we will find a way!
Thanks to the generous and caring Congregation who so faithfully support us. God Bless you all.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Morwick, Chair.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care’s purpose is to support members of our church family.
The Pastoral Care team consists of Reverends Hilary and Robert Merritt, Reverend Laurelle, Sharon Boutin and myself Lynda Rodney . You can contact the Ministers yourself directly or let me know if you have concerns to pass along. We have a phone tree setup to check in with church members periodically. If you are not getting calls let me know so I can add you to the list. The ministers do home and hospital visits when able due to Covid. They are all very happy to do phone visits. We try to keep connected through phone calls, cards and visits. If you need to con-nect with other church members there is What’s Up on Tuesday mornings at 11 am. It’s aim is to stay connected and socialize via Zoom.
Respectively submitted,
Lynda Rodney & Sharon Boutin
- Replaced the furnace 3 times
- Replaced battery in smoke detectors
- Had new shutoff valve installed and new kitchen tap installed
- Had noise coming from furnace checked and fixed
- Had thermostat replaced
- Fixed toilet in women’s washroom
- Repaired step in back of chapel
- Screwed down the walkway to the portable several times
- Repaired window opener in the chapel
- Replaced valve seat in outdoor tap
Respectfully submitted,
Archie Newby
Co-chair, Property
Property Development
Since our project presentation to those present at our last AGM, the Committee has continued our diligent review of the legal documents related to our property development proposal. This work has been done in conjunction with Kris Tavella, a Director at the United Property Resource Corpo-ration (UPRC), the property arm of the UCC, its CEO, Tim Blair, the UCC legal counsel, and of course with our legal team as of July this year, from Borden Ladner Gervais (BLG) as well. How-ever, this work could not have been done without having Committee members who personally embraced the overall project objectives, and committed themselves to its positive outcome, in the best interests of our Congregation. Bravo to Marilyn Joseph and Don Morwick. The same can be said regarding our key stakeholders, including both gentlemen from UPRC, and our Edge consult-ant, Bob Richards, who has described his work as a calling.
It was in April this year, that the Committee reflected on the actual amount of property to be con-tributed to the proposed partnership with UPRC. Due to a highly probable issue with property severance during the City Planning Process, the added value potential of adding the remaining property to the project itself, and the questionable market value of the remaining property after sev-erance, the decision was taken to propose the contribution of the total property to the property de-velopment partnership.
That change was understood to be only possible if we as a Congregation would still have access to the Chapel building for worship and other activities, and that we could continue to rent space with-in the Chapel for revenue purposes. The proposed change would cause us to become a tenant of the building, with the landlord being the project Partnership, but at an extremely reasonable rate of $1.00 per year. Therefore, in addition to the Contribution Agreement, and its Limited Partnership Agreement, a third document, the Queenswood Lease, as another part of the Contribution Agreement, was introduced.
That change also enabled discussion on an option to explore the possibility of the Chapel building becoming a Community Hub or Centre, to assist in the actual building of community, not only for our new neighbours within the development, but also for our current neighbours as well. As you know, UPRC is prepared to have our building structurally assessed for the renovations that would be required, and if financially feasible, to support the renovations to the extent possible, within the project itself. If approved in the future by Council, with input from our congregation, this option would become a second missional initiative, the first being the provision of affordable housing, within a mixed economic community development. The other key objective of course is our finan-cial sustainability as a Congregation, which would be attained with the projected annual income from the Partnership, based on the value of the property contribution.
In June, it became apparent that we would need to seek new legal counsel, as our then legal coun-sel would need to refer part of the work to another firm with enhanced specialty regarding the pro-tection of our charitable status within the proposed partnership. The suggestion was made that we could seek the counsel of the recommended firm for the total project, which we did. The eventual legal team at BLG included specialists in real estate, and in tax law. That latter focus was also very helpful, since UPRC on behalf of UCC and QUC formally requested a tax ruling from the Canada Revenue Agency regarding the nature of the project partnership structure. Queenswood United had been selected as the UCC congregation to represent all UCC congregations within the CRA ruling process.
Given receipt of the final legal Agreements, the Property Development Committee was able to begin the QUC decision-making process on 6 December. After having received the support of the Trustees on 6 December, and of Council on 9 December, subject to congregational consultation, a Congregational Meeting for consultation purposes to inform Council, in its final decision responsi-bility, was held on Sunday 12 December. Strong support of the property development proposal itself, and of exploration of the option for the Chapel building to become a Community Hub was received. Council subsequently approved the proposal that same day. At the time of writing, we are awaiting a response from Regional Council, which will hopefully be received shortly after their upcoming monthly meeting on 13 January 2022.
Should Regional Council approve the proposal, next steps would include signing of the legally binding Contribution Agreement by our Trustees, formal property transfer to the Partnership, sign-ing of the Queenswood Lease, and commencement of the City Planning Process by UPRC. The Committee will also begin the exploration of the option to have our Chapel building become a Community Hub, with our report to follow to Council and Congregation.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Marie MacLennan
Chair, Property Development Committee
Queenswood Crafters and Quilters
In October 2022, Queenswood Quilters and Crafters were able to resume activities. We had stopped at the end of 2021, due to Covid restrictions. We were able to gather together until mid-December 2022 when Covid surged again.
Our group is structured so that you may come for the entire day or just drop in for a part, to have coffee and share ideas. To date, we are mostly quilters and knitters with about six to seven regu-lar attendees. The group has been a blessing to those of us who thrive on sharing our creativity in a group setting.
As well as personal projects, members of our group also work on charity quilts for various organizations, including cuddle quilts for infants in ICU, Quilts of Valour (Veterans), Victoria’s Quilts (Cancer) as well as donations to the Common Thread Quilt Guild in Orleans which distributes charity quilts to a wide variety of places within Ottawa.
Respectfully submitted
Laurelle Callaghan
Many parishioners were Volunteers this past year and a great vote of thanks goes out to ALL of them. The volunteers are:
V – Vivacious
O – Open minded
L – Loving
U – Understanding
N – Noteworthy
T – Tireless
E – Energizing
E – Ever ready
R – Righteous
S – Sensitive
May God Bless them all.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Stacey
Worship Committee
2021 presented a continuation of both hopeful and disappointing challenges related to the pandemic. We continued our participation in the “East End Collective”, known as VIRTCH (virtual church) encompassing six United Church Pastoral Charges sharing weekly services via YouTube. All these services can still be viewed on YouTube.
Thank you to “the two Daves” from Orleans Untied Church, Dave Patterson and Dave Clemis for their shared knowledge and patience as well as to Carol Pugsley for her expertise and encour-agement. There were many do-overs. We shared services until September when our participation in “The Collective” ended and we took responsibility for our own services.
QUC was able to video a service for Easter Sunday in our sanctuary for YouTube distribution on April 4, 2021. What a joy to see and hear Lynne playing “The Holy City” on the baby grand piano.
Please see Worship APPENDIX “A” for a compilation of QUC participation in VIRTCH Services in 2021.
We were blessed in early summer when Rev. Laurelle Callaghan graciously offered to lead services for QUC as we struggled to find ways to connect with our larger church community under Covid protocols and limited resources.
The Worship Team decided to provide outdoor services, weather permitting in July with Rev. Callaghan and Lynne. It was quite a setup with Lynne’s electronic piano, microphone, monitor, distancing, sanitizing, bulletins, coffee, collection plates, hymn books, electrical cords, clothes-pins holding Lynne’s music and some duct tape required. We persevered, worshipped together, and sang “lustily and with good courage” (John Wesley)
Please see Worship APPENDIX “B” for a list of services.
The “Paper Bag Communion” continues. This respects protocols for sanitation, distancing and is environmentally friendly. Instead of the clinking of glasses and lining up for intinction, we have the rustle of paper bags.
Council agreed to a short outdoor service following the Fall Fling, Saturday September 25. We invited residents of the Villa, brought out Lynne’s piano and with Rev. Laurelle, worshiped, prayed and sang together.
With the fortunate hiring of Rev. Laurelle Callaghan in October, we are now blessed with consistent, committed ministry for worship, spiritual nourishment, and opportunities to discern God’s message for each of us and QUC. Our Bible Study has evolved into a Religious Study group with 12 curious students of the Bible, history of Christianity, the United Church theology. Thank you Rev. Laurelle, for your time, inspiration, and encouragement to learn.
Thank you to the Transition Steering Committee, (EOORC) Eastern Ottawa Outaouais Regional Council), QUC Council and Rev. Laurelle for making this happen for Queenswood. We are blessed.
A cautious, joyful baptism was celebrated in our Sanctuary on November, 14, 2021. Aliya Ivy Croteau was baptized by Rev. Laurelle with 15 family members present. The congregation was represented by Lynne Stacey and Elayne Bonnell.
Thank you to the two Rev’s (Hillary and Robert Merritt) for their Worship services and sharing the sacrament of Communion.
The music ministry at QUC has continued despite lock downs. The outdoor recordings by the “Dulcet Choir” in late 2020, have been used in several services. We did resume “quiet” hymn singing in the fall with masks, distance and doors/windows open for ventilation. We thank Carol Pugsley for the donation of several “singing masks” which hold promise for a choir to resume when safe to do so.
We much appreciate the willingness of Lynne Stacey to play whenever we could have a service, or record. It makes a difference to have our own pianist and music to create a more meaningful worship service. As we are currently recording Lynne for the zoom services, we are building an archive of the QUC Worship Music ; forever. Thank you Lynne.
On September 12, 2021 Paul Sales provided music supply. The music was much appreciated and enhanced the worship service. We thank you Paul.
Thank you also to Michelle Godin for assisting the Covid Choir with our outdoor recordings. We eagerly await resumption of choir practice. The worship team would like to acknowledge the musical gifts from Kathleen Grady-Thompson & Terry Thompson who have contributed so much to the joyfully, spirit filled choir anthems. May your voices always be in harmony wherever you sing.
As we continue our journey as a faith community, we thank you for finding ways to share our faith and Worship together. I invite us all to reread our Community “Statement of Faith”. We pray that we continue to live our Faith into the exciting future that lies before us.
“At Worship we pray, sing, laugh, celebrate,
and reflect on the Work of God”.
Respectfully submitted,
Elayne Bonnell
Appendix “A”
VIRTCH Participation For 2021
The VIRTCH services are available on YouTube. The East End Collective were not recording in August and was discontinued in September as each Church found ways to return to their respective congregational Worship.
Thank you so much to all who contributed and represented QUC so well, allowing us to continue to Worship as a congregation.
Respectfully Submitted
Elayne Bonnell
Appendix “B”
QUC Worship Services 2021 & Attendance

Appendix “C”
Communion Dates 2021