360 Kennedy Lane East, Orleans, ON K1E 3P3
Email: queenswood.uc@rogers.com Tel: 613-837-6784
At Queenswood United Church we serve God by taking care of God’s creation. We help those in need, we nurture the young, and we support our immediate community and the world community. We are conscientious stewards of God’s planet. Our service is centered in a commitment to living Christ’s love for all. It is nourished within an informal but meaningful worship life and a relationship with each other that is open, inquiring and accepting.COMMUNITY STATEMENT
We are a member congregation of the United Church of Canada. We are grounded in Christian tradition and are open to the truths of other faiths. We are a small, energetic and friendly community of faith who find joy, support and strength in worshipping and working together. Our church family is precious to us. We strive to be faithful servants of God in our time and place. We welcome all who quest sincerely to join us in our faith journey.Who we are We are an engaged community of faith, finding Christian Fellowship in our activities together. We are welcoming. We are open, accepting, respectful and sincere. We are seekers, striving to understand God’s Will for us. We are nurturers of God’s creation. We are a loving community in Christ. | What we believe We believe that we are not alone, that we live in God’s world. We believe that God bears unconditional love, mercy and compassion for all in all of creation. We believe that we are called by God to act in love. We believe that we are the hands and feet of God to serve others. We believe that the challenge of growing our faith is a life-long journey, and that we are greatly enriched by sharing that journey within community. We believe that, with God’s help, we can make a difference. | How we practice We take care of each other, in prayer and in practice. At worship we pray, sing, laugh, celebrate and reflect on the Word of God. We have a strong ministry of music. We provide a safe place to practice and explore. We focus on living Christ’s teachings through our actions. We continue our strong tradition of outreach to the greater community. We accept that we are blessed to be able to share our gifts with one another and with all creation. We celebrate the gift of God’s grace. |
2020 has been a year like no other, and has seen many blessings come to us through hard work and passion of many in our congregation. At the beginning of the year, Queenswood United was faced with the problem of dwindling membership and resources. The Church’s path, at that time, was quickly becoming untenable. There was no one willing to accept the responsibilities of either Council Chair or Chair-elect. Consequently the concept of a rotating Chair of Council was adopted. Three people, each with unique gifts – Rose Marie MacLennan, Marilyn Joseph, and Don Morwick, agreed to assume this role for specific periods of time. Rose Marie acted as Chair of Council from March to June, Marilyn, July and August, as well as November and December. Don Morwick was Chair for September and October and will com- plete his commitment in January and February, 2021. From mid-March to the present, Church meetings, including Council, Congregational, Chair, and committees have been conducted by Zoom. Both Rose Marie and Don have obtained the professional version of Zoom, and are able to initiate Church meetings of unlimited length and number of participants. It was agreed that each of the three Chairs would contribute their portions to the Chair of Council’s Annual Report.Rose Marie MacLennan, Chair, March, April, May, and June.
March 2020 will be remembered by all of us for the rest of our lives. That is when our usual way of living definitely changed, with its direct impact on our way of “being church”, in the days and months that followed. Council members were quickly alerted of the need for a strategy for responding to COVID-19 and for its wider communication, to ensure the health and safety of our congregation and our staff. Communications to our community of faith emphasized the need to rely heavily on the scientific information and guidance as provided by our public health authorities, and the need to comply with the related regulations of our provincial government. Actions were quickly taken to ensure the continuance of required office administrative and financial tasks, part of which included the response of our former Office Administrator, Denise Benoit ,who offered her temporary on-site administrative and financial task support at no cost. The previous Office Administrator Barb Bode also positively responded to our request for assistance to ensure that the CNN newsletter continued its crucial communication role, and to actively monitor our email, until Marilyn Webster our new Office Administrator was able to do so. Elayne Bonnell was also very active and helpful in ensuring administrative and communication tasks were actioned as well. Stan later ensured that the office computer was transferred to the home of our Office Administrator in the spring, and returned to the church office in August. We owe them our grateful thanks. The decision was taken by Council Executive to initially suspend worship services effective 15 March until 5 April. At its next meeting on 24 March, Council extended the suspension of ser- vices until further notice. Official notice of the need to close churches followed quickly. Council members responded to the need to meet virtually, using Zoom, and later helped to encourage others from our congregation to attend congregational meetings using that technology. A telephone contact network was quickly initiated by Elayne Bonnell, and welcomed by our Pastoral Care Team who were also engaged. It has served and continues to serve our community of faith, ensuring that we are in contact with each other, no matter the nature of the current public health restrictions on social contact. Special gratitude is certainly owed to Marilyn Joseph and Julia Picotte. Marilyn took on additional essential tasks during the early days of our COVID response. She worked directly with our renters, administratively organized the move of our church office to the home of the Office Administrator, undertook Givings/Donations related tasks operating from her home during the church building closure, and as Chair of Finance, with the active support of our Finance Committee, researched, planned, and took actions to address our ongoing financial responsibilities. Our Treasurer Julia Picotte developed a cash flow forecast report that allowed the Finance Committee to effectively assess both our current and upcoming financial status, enabling the Finance Committee to make recommendations to Council, and to our Congregation. Her professional knowledge and competency as an Accountant has also been crucial to our way through our COVID experience this year. Active UCC financial related support to congregations was offered through guidance by Regional Councils and by the national office through the UCC website information, and educational webinars offered for Treasurers and other leaders. That support proved to be very helpful indeed. With reference to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program (CEWS) offered by the Federal Government, Council approved our application in mid-April. This program provided a monetary grant to QUC to cover 75% of our staff salaries for the months when our loss of income due to COVID made us eligible. The engagement and assistance of the M&P Committee was key to securing the first 10% portion of the CEWS benefits through the auspices of the automated pay system. To secure the remaining funding, both Marilyn Joseph and Julia Picotte spent countless hours becoming knowledgeable and then ensuring effective applications for the ongoing CEWS program benefits applicable for the subsequent months. Their energetic and persistent efforts continue on our behalf at the time of writing. Without the availability of the CEWS, and all efforts to ensure our access to that funding, our congregation would not have remained fiscally viable. Given the over $13,000 deficit of the budget presented at our AGM back in February, the arrival of COVID-19, and the subsequent loss of revenue from rentals, givings, and from fundraising certainly quickened our arrival to the point where we could foresee our forthcoming inability to pay our Minister. That responsibility is the first financial requirement of any congregation within the UCC. Therefore, after required consultation with Regional Council, Council met on 28 April to discuss and decide on a motion with regret, to end our current pastoral relationship with Rev. Nancy Best, due to our inability to pay her salary, benefits, and our employer expenses in the near future. Under the leadership of Don Morwick as Chair of M&P, some options for ministry were explored with a resultant preference of having a Minister on staff for 20 hours per week. Unfortunately, that option was not financially viable for QUC either. The financial situation was clear, and as a responsible employer, Council agreed that there was unfortunately no other viable resolution to the situation. Rev. Best indicated her own awareness of the need for us to provide her with her 90 day notice. Due to COVID, and the unsettling financial impact for many congregations, governing bodies of congregations had been recently given the authority to directly request the approval of their Regional Council to end a pastoral relationship, under a UCC General Secretary provision to amend Pastoral Relations By-Laws. After having received input from our congregation at a congregational meeting on 7 May, Council met later that evening and approved the necessary motion. The request of Council was forwarded and approved by the Pastoral Relations Commission of our Regional Council at their meeting on 12 May. That date became the official 90 days notice to Rev. Nancy who remained with us as our Minister until 12 August inclusive. The requirement to make that difficult decision did force us to move forward toward building a new and evolving way of “being church” that we will continue to develop, as we walk together. We have the ongoing support of Regional Council for that journey. During this time period, we also needed to address the issue of re-opening our buildings. The desire of Pedalheads to again use our parking lot and some of our facilities for their bike skills program required much intensive gathering of knowledge and communications with all stake- holders. Marilyn Joseph competently developed a plan that enabled the Pedalheads program to run during the summer, providing both active support to our local community, and much needed income. The developed COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan provided a foundation for subsequent worship planning, and requirements by other renters during COVID. At a Special Meeting on 14 June, Council decided to proceed with the Pedalheads program for the summer period, under the provisions of developed health and safety requirements. The program was successful, with QUC obtaining the highest rating from parents within the local region served by the same Pedalheads organization. At this time, the Worship Committee began to look at the way forward, and especially with regard to the possibility of involvement in an east end Ottawa virtual church initiative. The Out- reach Committee began to initiate opportunities for us to support Centre 507 through donations during the pandemic, which was gratefully received. At our June Council meeting, Council approved the stand-up of the Transition Steering Committee. This Committee was created in anticipation of upcoming changes for our community of faith. Those changes had specific reference to how we would seek leaders for worship and pastoral care going forward, since former committee mandates would have to slightly alter, as well as to how we might need to govern ourselves in the future. The Committee serves to ensure that these issues are dealt with effectively during our transition, in active collaboration with current related committees, those of us in liaison or coordinator roles, our current governing body, and external resource persons, including appropriate personnel from our Regional Council. At this time, I would like to sincerely thank my fellow rotating Chairs Don Morwick and Marilyn Joseph for their support, and their active collaboration on key ongoing items that would, by their nature, continue over our various time periods as Council Chair. I also wish to thank all Council members for their willingness to serve, and the engagement that they individually have shown throughout this very unique year, in the best interests of our beloved Queenswood community of faith. Respectfully submitted, Rose Marie MacLennan Council Chair, March, April, May, JuneMarilyn Joseph, Chair, July, August.
Early in July, Queenswood lost long-time member Muriel Thompson to cancer. Her years-long gallant and shared fight against this disease was an inspiration to our congregation and to the many connections she forged in the community, as were her grace and strong faith. Rev. Nancy commented that Muriel’s funeral, conducted in the empty chapel and viewed live over the internet, was the most difficult thing she had ever had to do. In a faithful affirmation of Christian life and death, Muriel invited viewing “participants” to celebrate her life by enjoying Ice cream, chocolate, or our favourite indulgence while at the funeral. The principal Council work during July and August was preparation for the transition of QUC from a pastoral charge with a called minister, to a community of faith where we would out- source both worship leadership and pastoral care services for the congregation. Council thanked Marti Scrivens and Heather Lait for their years of service to QUC as co-chairs of Pastoral Care, and Barb Johns for her contributions to Worship Committee, as their respective resig- nations meant that leadership in these areas had to come from different individuals. Happily that leadership has been found in volunteers Lynda Rodney (Pastoral Care liaison) and Elayne Bonnell (Worship liaison). They are supported by the entire congregation, who continue their loving care of each other. LLWLs, in-house worship leaders including volunteer leadership from Rev. Laurelle Callaghan, and the Revs Hilary and Robert Merritt have given us excellent in-house worship leadership and communion opportunities, and the Reverends Merritt are providing professional and caring pastoral care to meet the diverse needs of all congregation members. Normally Council does not meet during the summer, but this year church work did not slow down during those months. At the July meeting, we officially acknowledged Rev. Nancy’s contributions to QUC, adopted a Mandatory Use of Masks policy as required by local government and Ottawa Public Health, and approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between United Property Resource Corporation (UPRC) and QUC. Adoption of the MOU involved a Trustees meeting the morning of July 23, followed by a Council meeting that evening and a Congregational meeting on July 28. August 12 was Rev. Nancy’s last day with QUC. Congregation members contributed to a generous gift certificate from Indigo, and best wishes were collected electronically and transferred to a beautiful card designed by Marta Nuijten. In accordance with Rev. Nancy’s wishes to leave without a public good-bye, both the certificate and card were presented to her by Council Chair Marilyn Joseph at the chapel on the morning of August 12. Through the latter half of 2020, QUC has mourned the lack of a called permanent minister, as we take steps in our journey to a new way of being church. Our governance structures are slowly evolving in response to new realities – for instance, we welcomed Rev. Mike Perreault (Rothwell United Church), our Community of Faith Supervisor. In accordance with UCC and EOORC rules, Rev. Mike was appointed to provide ministerial presence at official meetings, and general oversight of the pastoral charge. A strong proponent of Virtch (East-end Online Worship Collective), he has helped us with technical advice so we can record Virtch contributions in our own spaces. He is now familiar to Council, and several congregation members were able to meet him during the social gathering after our November 18 congregational meeting. His wide UCC experience is available to Council if needed. As well, under the oversight of the Transition Steering Committee, M&P, Worship and Pastoral Care committees are undergoing evolution in budgetary and task-related responsibilities. Going forward, Council meetings may be held less frequently, and our entire Council-based structure may evolve, as we seek more efficient ways to conduct church decision-making business. Over the summer months the task of reopening the chapel building involved hours of preparation, from writing documentation required by local health authorities, to liaising with prospective renters, to transferring the office, including files and computers, back to the chapel. The hard work paid off, as, shortly after the September 1 Council meeting, Office Administrator Marilyn Webster was happily settled into the chapel office, yoga classes were scheduled for the fall, and our Plan for Inside Worship during the Pandemic was adopted and sent for regional approval. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Joseph Council Chair, July, AugustDon Morwick, Chair, September, October.
The two months that it was my pleasure to serve as Council Chair were relatively quiet. The main task was to oversee the new direction that has been put in place for our Church. Thanks to my two colleagues, most of the ground work had been done. The restrictions imposed by the pandemic created a strong need for fellowship opportunities. An outdoor Fall Fling market was organized for September 12. Thanks to all involved, some much-needed revenue was raised to help the Church through its challenging financial times. A Transition Steering Committee was formed in June to guide Queenswood United as it be- comes a new form of community of faith. It requested the M&P Committee to seek possible and affordable types of ministerial support. Together with input from Elayne Bonnell and Lynda Rodney, the M&P Committee found two licensed Lay Worship Leaders to fulfill Sunday service requirements and a retired ordained couple to provide pastoral care. With the ministry personnel in place, it was encouraging to see the return to some normalcy with the resumption of worship, both outdoor and inside. The congregational support for these services was very good. Queenswood United was well represented in Virtch with its numerous, excellent contributions. Thank you to all who participated. Marilyn Webster, our Office Administrator, successfully transitioned back to the Church office from her temporary quarters in her home. She is doing exceptionally well considering the upheaval our Church has experienced in 2020. I was happy to have been able to chair the November 18, 2020 Congregational Meeting to ap- prove the abbreviated 2020 Budget. There was little discussion. It was evident that this budget reflected a continuing improvement in the Church’s financial health. As I look forward to the remainder of my term as Chair in January and February, 2021, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding support and encouragement I received from my fellow rotating Chairs. It was through the group effort of our congregation that we have been able to start Queenswood United’s transition towards a new form of a Community of Faith. Respectfully submitted, Don Morwick Council Chair, September, OctoberMarilyn Joseph, Chair, November, December
During the closing months of the year, we have settled in to a rhythm at QUC. Leadership from the Outreach Committee continues to inspire the congregation to support those in need, and we have answered with open hearts. We have welcomed to the chapel a quilting group of six ladies, sponsored by returning retired minister Laurelle Callaghan, and members of the group have supported QUC’s congregation in a multitude of ways. Their presence at the chapel on Tuesdays has brought a calming sense of warmth and contentment, and Laurelle’s quilted hang- ings contribute to the beauty of our worship space. Indoor worship was held regularly for those who were comfortable gathering at the chapel, and our weekly Advent services brought new ways to experience this season of waiting and hope. Worship leaders responded positively to our health and safety protocols, and chapel users, whether in attendance at worship or congregation members doing business at the office, have been very respectful of distancing, hand sanitizing and mask-wearing requirements. Virtch ser- vices have been a worship mainstay, and those attending are pleased to see QUC volunteers doing their part on behalf of us all. There is universal appreciation for the pastoral care efforts of the “2 Revs”, and there seems to be real progress in our property development process. A balanced 2020 budget was finally approved by the congregation in November, and, although the situation with chapel rentals is still in flux because of the pandemic, there is real hope for a sustainable future in which QUC can survive and even thrive as a community in Christ. I would like to sincerely thank fellow rotating Chairs Rose Marie MacLennan and Don Morwick, for their support and advice over this past year. This collaborative leadership effort, coupled with tremendous support from the QUC congregation, has truly been a blessing for QUC during this most challenging year. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Joseph Council Chair, November, DecemberNOMINATING COMMITTEE
The following report presents a slate of Officer nominations for the Queenswood United Church Council, and Trustees for 2021. All representatives of the Council, and the Trustees must be voted in by the Congregation at the Annual General Meeting, with the exception explained be- low.QUC Council
Position Nominee(s)
Chair (in rotation) Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, Rose Marie MacLennan Chair Elect Bob Rodney (preparation to join group of rotating Chairs) Past Chairs (in rotation) Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, Rose Marie MacLennan Community of Faith Supervisor Rev. Mike Perreault (ex officio member) Administration Vacant Treasurer Julia Picotte Secretary Carol Pugsley Finance (Stewardship) Marilyn Joseph Ministry and Personnel Don Morwick Worship Coordinator Elayne Bonnell Pastoral Care Liaison Lynda Rodney Outreach Bev Morwick Trustees Frank Stacey Property Development Rose Marie MacLennan Property Archie Newby and Bob Rodney Regional Representative Marilyn Joseph Marketing and Communications Vacant Members at Large Heather Lait and Jackie Tuttle Christian Education Vacant Youth Representative Vacant Trustees: – Frank Stacey (Chair), Don Morwick, Rose Marie MacLennan, Marilyn Joseph, Bob Rodney, and Rev. Mike Perreault (ex officio Trustee). Note: Rev. Mike Perreault is both an ex officio member of Council, and the Executive, as well as an ex officio Trustee, by virtue of his position, as our Community of Faith Supervisor, in accord- ance with Bylaws within the 2019 Manual of the United Church of Canada. He is therefore not elected by the Congregation. Respectfully submitted, Rose Marie MacLennan Member, Nominating CommitteeADMINISTRATION
Again this year, Queenswood United Church did not have a Chair of Administration nor any official committee members, and again, various volunteers ensured that tasks and responsibilities were properly completed. Administration responsibilities include: the Annual Statistical Report, insurance, the maintenance, repair and replacement of office computers and printers, the Constitution and policy documents, Membership Log and Database, Public Access Defibrillator (PAD), office supplies and keys, and rental contracts and oversight. In 2020, extra effort was often required to complete responsibilities in a pandemic environment. In mid-March, upon the sudden closure of the chapel, newly-retired Office Administrator Denise Benoit returned to the office as a volunteer, and immediately notified all renters of the situation, taking note of where they were in their rental contracts. The grid she made was invaluable throughout the pandemic, as renters have variously returned, been locked out again, used credits to pay for subsequent registrations, and asked for refunds. Keeping track of the rental situation has gradually been assumed by new Office Administrator Marilyn Webster, while Marilyn Joseph prepared a QUC Rentals Plan for Safe Opening during Covid-19, and ensured that rental groups provided a written plan confirming their commitment to follow required protocols. Insurance became an immediate concern once the building was closed and empty long-term. Church property and liability insurance is available to UCC pastoral charges at rates negotiated by General Council staff, so they were in contact with the provider from day 1, and kept us in- formed at the weekly webinars held for pastoral charge financial volunteers. Marilyn Joseph monitored this file, consulted with Property Chair Archie Newby to ensure that all necessary steps were in place to secure the empty building, and kept QUC Trustees abreast of the situation. Past Administration Committee Chair, Stan Blythe, moved the church computer and peripherals, lock, stock and barrel, to Marilyn Webster’s home office in early April, then moved it all back to the chapel in late August, ensuring each time that all was in readiness for Marilyn’s use. He also ensured that the church laptop was in usable condition after a few years of disuse. Additionally, Stan updated the Membership Log and Membership Database to reflect those members departed through transfer or death in 2020. Ottawa Paramedic Service continue to honour the 2019 contract conditions for our Public Access Defibrillator oversight agreement, as they are many months in arrears in administrative issues due to more pressing priorities during the pandemic. Elayne Bonnell competently kept the office supplied with paper, toner, ink, and other office necessities. She and Marilyn Webster have also been busier than usual keeping the key log updated, as there has been unusual instability surrounding chapel usage among renters. In addition, keys were issued to the quilting group, which we welcomed to the chapel in the fall. For many years, in his capacity as Administration Committee Chair, Stan Blythe meticulously kept the QUC Constitution and policy files updated, but this year, with governance structures in a state of constant evolution, it was considered advisable to document and bring changes to the congregation for a decision once the evolution process stabilizes. Some changes are merely steps in a process, and others may not align with Queenswood’s eventual decision on how it wants to be church. All of the volunteers involved in supporting church administration are thanked for their faithful service to Queenswood. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Joseph Chair, Finance & Stewardship CommitteeCATERING
Imagine there was only one event for catering in 2020! We celebrated the Men’s Club Pancake Supper on February 25, 2020. It is with mixed feelings of regret and relief that we were unable to participate in the 75th Navan Fair with the Queenswood Café. Our volunteers are older and fewer so that commitment is much harder. The joy of working together (50 plus volunteers) doing such a good job in the community is greatly missed. I expect that Queenswood United Church, once allowed, will con- tinue to provide hospitality events, receptions, etc. Thank you for all the years of preparing meals, sandwiches, baking pies, cookies, cakes, muffins, casseroles, vegetable trays, soup, setting tables, advertising, counting, washing dishes, serving, loading and unloading recycling. Remember bringing our compost and recyclables home after cleanup? No one envied the Men’s Club and friends at 6:00 A.M. picking up the beer cans after the concerts, counting them again and again to add to the fundraising efforts and diminish our debt. Sometimes there was singing in the kitchen and tasty leftovers. We will not cater (serve) as before. It is my hope that our carefully collected supplies (services for 100 plus) will find future use in the community, feeding bodies and souls. Thank you for all the loving service, hard work, patience and forgiveness over these past 20 years. I believe all of Queenswood United Church is grateful for what we have given and received. Respectfully submitted, Elayne Bonnell CateringCELEBRATION OF LIGHT AND LIFE
Our tradition continues, despite the diminished use of our sanctuary. The lights were especially meaningful during the music and meditation drop-in service on Christmas Eve. Sometime in 2021 there will be a service to honour those significant events that we shared. I have hope. For now, the lights will shine each time we gather during these pandemic times. 41 lights shine, plus 22 for the April massacre in Nova Scotia. Thank you for continuing to name and share those memorable and celebratory moments in our lives. I will respectively paraphrase Matthew 5:16/17. “Let your light so shine before others …” that they may share your joys and sorrows.” Respectfully submitted, Elayne BonnellCHOIR
This year has been an outstanding year for the Choir — the “pandemic” cancelled all practices for this year except for a few in the Fall of 2020. In the Fall there were a number of choir members who turned out for a few practices outside to be put into the Zoom produced by Orleans United Church. We did have a few Services during Advent however, the Choir did not sing during these Services as the hymns were said instead of sung. Many thanks go to Michelle Godin for leading us this year in our Choir program. Hopefully, in 2021 the Choir will get back to “normal” and be able to practice and produce an anthem each Sunday Morning. Yours in Singing and Playing Respectfully submitted, Lynne Stacey A Proverb: It is your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude!COMMUNITY GARDEN
We had another successful year with the community gardens. Holly looked after one plot and Lynda & I looked after the other five. Bob also had the job of cutting the common area around the vegetable garden and putting up the fencing. We had a problem with ” tomato end rot ” but were able to correct that and were pretty successful with the tomatoes as the summer growing season came to an end. Our asparagus, potatoes , beets, zucchini, beans, carrots and rhubarb were very prolific. We were able to deliver to the CRC one box a week over a 10 week harvesting season. They were very pleased as they do not always get fresh produce. The flower beds in front of the portables and chapel beds were a joint effort by Lynda and myself. Respectfully submitted, Bob RodneyCONGREGATIONAL LIFE
This has been a year that has made gatherings difficult. We did manage to have some time together keeping aware of social distancing. We started with a HYMN SING in our parking lot and Lynne played the keyboard. There was many smiling faces that day. We followed this up with pizza and bingo again in the parking lot . There was prizes and fellowship and lots of fun. In the Fall was the Fall Fling . The turnout was very good and not just church members. This was done in connection with the Craft Group as we did not have our annual Snow Flake bazaar. It was held in the parking lot to provide a forum for us in a safe surrounding . The MEN’S GROUP held their books, puzzles, and videos in the portables. Jackie and Bev were a great help in getting this underway . The year ended with a wine and cheese via zoom with thanks to Carol and Rose Marie for hosting in a very different way. Respectfully submitted, Lynda and Bob RodneyCRAFT GROUP
The Craft Group got off to a great start in mid-January and February and began to make plans for our annual Snowflake Bazaar in November. We were even able to complete a few items! Then COVID-19 came and shut down the Church and our crafting sessions on Monday mornings! We were able to work together to sort and prepare items for our table at the Fall Fling held on September 12 – outside and safely social-distanced! Many thanks to Helen Keeney (quilting), Jackie Tuttle (dolls and doll clothes), and Donna Booth (oven towels and dish cloths) for providing their talents to augment our table. We sent over $550 to the Fall Fling organizers. We have no plans now to begin meeting again until it is safe to do so. We can’t make any plans about the Bazaar until we see how the vaccines work and if indoor events are permitted. The Craft Group consists of Donna Booth, Helen Keeney, Bev Morwick, Vi Newby, and Jackie Tuttle. We will continue to work from home and hope there will be a Bazaar in the fall. Respectfully crafted, The Craft GroupEASTERN ONTARIO OUTAOUAIS REGIONAL COUNCIL
Although only in its second year of functioning, the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (EOORC) has offered much-needed supports to communities of faith during this eventful pandemic year. As we have been reminded at every level of the denomination, in spite of the uncertainty, anxiety and disruption caused by Covid-19, we are not alone, and our purpose as communities in Christ remains the same. From the first days of the pandemic, the EOORC website has become a useful information hub for both regional and national denominational information about Covid-19. It hosts information about everything from support for overworked and stressed ministerial staff, to financial help for stricken pastoral charges, to spiritual sustenance. On-line workshops on a variety of useful sub- jects, Bible Studies, and other pertinent activities are offered. Up-to-date governance and policy documentation is very useful, especially during these times when some temporary alterations have been made to deal with the current situation. Even the “Events” section can be scoured to discover what fundraising activities other churches are undertaking during these interesting times. This has been a difficult year for hard-working EOORC staff, as they have had to deal with high numbers of pastoral charges in crisis and to support overworked and stressed ministerial staff, all affected by the pandemic. Both QUC and Rev. Nancy received sensitive support from EOORC when we were forced to end the pastoral relationship. QUC was helped in practical ways, with guidance on the process and lists of ministry personnel and LLWLs with whom we could negoti- ate to obtain pastoral care and worship leadership to meet the needs of our congregation going forward. For several months QUC leadership was in close contact with regional Pastoral Rela- tions Minister, Rev. Whit Strong, who met with us, attended key meetings, and, after Rev. Nancy’s departure in mid-August, appointed Rev. Mike Perreault as Community of Faith Supervisor to provide ministerial oversight and quorum for Council meetings. When churches were permitted by authorities to return to in-person worship, the region issued guidance to help pastoral charges do so safely, and required that each pastoral charge submit a written plan outlining how they would do it. The knowledge gained to QUC through that exer- cise has helped us greatly in handling health and safety protocols on our premises.EOORC 2020 Winter Meeting:
The region’s first meeting of 2020 was held Saturday February 22, at Glen Cairn United Church in Kanata. The option to attend remotely via Zoom was taken advantage of by a dozen individuals, whose successful participation set the stage for the “pandemic” virtual AGM held later in the year. Rev. Nancy and Marilyn Joseph represented QUC, with Rev. Nancy offering an eloquent acknowledgement of indigenous stewardship of the land during the opening worship. Among significant decisions made was EOORC’s strong endorsement of a motion to support the “United We Stand” fundraising campaign for Multifaith Housing Initiative’s Veteran’s House. EOORC has pledged to raise $150,000 towards Veteran’s House by June 30, 2021, with individual pastoral charges encouraged to do their part. QUC supports MHI through an annual membership, and has also participated in Tulipathon, MHI’s annual fundraiser. At this year’s Tulipathon, held online in May, QUC raised $425 for affordable housing in Ottawa.Annual General Meeting October 16 & 17, 2020 via Zoom:
Normally the AGM is held over two full days, but because it was held virtually this year, it took place over two afternoons only. Given the reduced amount of time allocated to this meeting, it was very intense, and a lot of work was accomplished in the short time span allotted. Despite some challenges presented by using Zoom technology with a large group, activities such as vot- ing and breakout discussion groups went remarkably well. The tech experts did a great job with sometimes difficult demands!EOORC and Denominational News:
A new EOORC President and Executive were installed during the meeting. The new President of EOORC is Rev. Takouhi Demirdjian-Petro, OM, the first Armenian-born woman minister within the United Church of Canada. A remit (a denomination-wide vote to alter the Basis of Union of the UCC, which alteration must subsequently be passed by the Parliament of Canada) was voted upon at the AGM, with the motion carried that “the Order of Ministry be open to persons of all gender identities”. EOORC’s budget continues to be in a surplus situation, partly because, with pandemic-related restrictions on activities, individual pastoral charges did not apply for programme grants. EOORC foresees a slight 3.5% deficit budget for 2021. General Council 44 has been delayed until July 2022 because of the pandemic. Nationally, M&S givings are down 18% in 2020, translating to a loss of $2M which is no longer available for crucial mission work with UCC partners abroad and in Canada. QUC is very proud of the fact that, despite a very precarious cash flow situation, we did not hold on to M&S contributions, but instead continued to send your givings to where they were most needed. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Joseph Lay Representative Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional CouncilFINANCE/STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE
The purpose of the Finance/Stewardship Committee is “to manage the financial affairs of the church in the best interests of the congregation and in keeping with the over-all objectives of the church”. Its primary role is one of oversight, to make sure the framework is in place for church finances to take place in accordance with good governance practices and in compliance with relevant legislation. Current membership consists of a Chair (Marilyn Joseph), Church Treasurer (Julia Picotte), and Stewardship lead, Rose Marie MacLennan. Among the Committee’s responsibilities are: implementing an annual independent review of the church’s finances; ensuring that funds received are disbursed as set out in the approved annual budget; and dealing with various financial situations as they arise during the course of a busy congregation’s many activities. The Finance & Stewardship Committee has spent 2020 on a sometimes exhausting, occasionally exhilarating roller-coaster ride, facing one “financial situation” after another. From the despair felt when confronted with the inexorable fact of a budget which could not take us into the future, to days when our overdraft situation at the bank was literally dollars away from its maximum, to moments when we received unexpected financial and moral support from outside our congregation, we have “run the gamut” of experiences with their accompanying emotions. Yet what will be carried forward from this year are the memories of the many individuals from within and from outside the QUC congregation, who have worked so hard and given so freely to keep our precious church family afloat. We began the year on a financial low note, with a deficit budget of $13,200, which we could not recommend for adoption by the congregation. With a shrinking, ageing congregation, our future income, based on givings, fundraising and rentals, was only going to continue decreasing, while expenses for utilities, maintenance and staffing would certainly increase. Moving away from the chapel to a rental space did not present a way forward, as property expenses, including utilities and maintenance, were more than covered by rental income, but our other expenses would still not be covered by slipping givings and fundraising. At February’s AGM, the 2020 deficit budget was not adopted, and Finance & Stewardship Committee pledged to present a budget model that could carry us into the future once a solution to the financial situation could be found. In mid-March, the pandemic was declared, church buildings were forced to close, and people were advised to stay home. Within days, QUC, which had begun March teetering between posi- tive and negative bank balances, was facing serious questions about how we could meet our fi- nancial obligations even in the short term. According to UCC rules, our financial priorities are to ministerial staff, followed by assessment payments to the national church. Assessment payments are crucial to the overall functioning of the UCC, as they fund structures and administrative sup- port, such as that which we have received from UCC financial personnel during this crisis. We ended the month of March $5,267 into our bank overdraft. Overdraft protection is essen- tially a temporary loan, on which we pay interest charges, and which must be “repaid” through the bank balance. It is money we do not have, but, with its $15,000 limit, we would be able to pay our bills, at least for a while. During the early months of Covid-19, QUC’s ultimate survival was a daily question mark. Revenue, compared to 2019, fell by 42% in March, by 53% in April, and by 37% in May. Rental income came solely from parking spots at $50 per month, and we were obligated to issue refunds for some rental dates which could not be fulfilled. Fundraising was out of the question, and givings were sporadic, except for those donated through PAR. And, we were functioning not knowing what the future would bring. In order to keep track of our financial situation, Treasurer Julia Picotte set up a Covid-19 Cash- flow Forecast spreadsheet, which she updated daily so that we could keep very close track of our financial situation. Because of the chapel closure, financial tasks were headquartered in Marilyn Joseph’s home, thus helping us to keep close track of our daily situation. Each donation was accepted with grateful thanks, and we worried over each payment. All were immediately entered by Julia into the forecast document. Between March and August, F&S members attended weekly “Congregational Finances During the Pandemic” webinars, as well as other relevant training given by UCC financial and other specialized staff. Just knowing that the greater denomination was working tirelessly, to support congregations across the country was inspiring and appreciated. UCC Chief Financial Officer, Erik Mathiesen began every session with the UCC New Creed on the computer screen, emphasizing that we were not alone. It was, and continues to be, wonderful support. Staff worked from their homes, and made themselves available for any kind of question, 7 days a week. F&S consulted resource persons on several occasions. We also worked closely with M&P, in preparation for applying for the two government wage subsidies for which we qualified. We focused on the most crucial issues, with the intention of working on other issues once we could (hopefully!) leave “survival mode” behind. When grass-cutting season arrived in April, we could not foresee being able to sign a contract for the service, and were deeply touched when our regular provider, Chris, of Nicholls Tree and Lawn Service, offered to come when he could and cut it for free. We were overwhelmed by his generosity, even more so when he ensured that the property was in top shape during the summer days when Pedalheads was there. At the beginning of May we asked, and were granted permission by the General Council Office, to suspend monthly assessment payments because of cash flow issues. This decision was not taken lightly because F&S recognized the importance of supporting the greater denomination, but we had no choice if we were to pay our staff and monthly bills. We did not make three month’s payments, and then began make-up payments beginning in August after our bottom line was improved by receipt of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). By the end of the year, we had completely repaid our assessment payment debt. In May, QUC made the painful decision to end the pastoral relationship with our Minister, as it was clear that we would not be able to pay her salary, benefits, and our employer expenses going forward. Council recognized with regret that we could not continue on our current financial trajectory. In addition to a deficit budget, we were now using borrowed money from the overdraft just to pay bills and salaries. A loan from any source would not help us because, with chronic deficit budgets in our future, there was no foreseeable way to repay it. Income from the anticipated property development was still unknown. Changes to our way of being church were required. Council requested and received the approval of the Pastoral Relations Commission of Regional Council to end the pastoral relationship, due to our inability to pay our Minister in the near future. F&S could now begin putting into place financial planning for a different way of being church. Mid-May brought some good news. We received our first payments for the TWS (Temporary Wage Subsidy) and the CEWS, two federal government subsidies which combined paid up to 75% of salaries for qualifying organizations and businesses. Due to lost revenues, QUC has con- tinued to qualify every month since the subsidies began. They are the principal reason we have been able to survive financially to date. During 2020 we received over $20,000 from these programs, which fortunately do not require repayment. The summer saw a slight easing in our financial situation, so that F&S was no longer functioning in crisis mode, although we continued the close scrutiny of the cashflow situation. After much detailed preparatory work, we welcomed Pedalheads bicycle skills summer day camp back to QUC, and for eight weeks our property was alive with the happy presence of children. Given that our only rental income since March had been monthly payments for three parking spaces, we were thrilled with the healthy cheque we received. However, with the return of groups to our premises, we had an obligatory accompanying expense, that of enhanced cleaning of both the chapel and the portables. With the reopening of the chapel office and the return of some rental groups in September, we saw the additional expense of providing sanitizing products for every- one’s use. We realized that increased cleaning costs would become part of the financial picture during the course of the pandemic, and perhaps afterward. In early fall QUC volunteers planned a Covid-savvy outdoor “Fall Fling” fellowship activity, which, to our relief, also raised some much-needed funds. Another fall fundraiser, MacMillan’s, was organized by the Men’s Club in November, with very good sales. QUC’s fundraising revenues, which have dropped sharply over the past two years, plummeted in 2020. However, we are demonstrably still capable of planning some larger events that draw community support. Other fundraisers that are easily supported are food card sales, Light & Life, bulletin sponsorship, and the Home Hardware community earn-back program. Also in the fall we were able to complete some necessary financial tasks that remained outstanding. The 2019 financial statements were sent for independent review by Angie De Castro of ADC Accounting Services, with a very favourable report. And F&S was finally able to present a balanced budget for congregational approval, for the first time in three years. The principal difficulty faced by all financial people during the pandemic is the uncertainty. How can you plan for an unknown future? How do you prepare a budget when future fundraising opportunities are uncertain, when givings are sporadic for various reasons, and when you have no idea whether or when rental groups will return? We were very happy to welcome yoga classes back to the chapel in early September, only to have the province fall into lock down in October. Yoga classes were once again permitted to return during November and December, but this time with new distancing requirements which caused most of these small businesses to give up on holding in-person classes for now, perhaps never to return. The Seventh Day Adventist Church, our principal tenant, has not been back to the chapel since last March, and is unable to say when they (and their reliable income) will return. Some long-term financial effects of the pandemic are already being felt. We have been informed that church insurance costs will rise by 30% for our next contract, and there may be other effects which are still in the realm of uncertainty, or of which we are not yet aware. Yet, in our capacity as stewards of QUC’s finances, we have been privileged to experience God’s spirit alive and working in the world. We have seen how our own congregation has generously and lovingly donated their time, energy, and personal funds, to keep QUC functioning this year. We have been deeply touched by many unexpected donations from outside of our church family: from our colleagues at the Orléans Seventh Day Adventist Church; from a “friend of QUC” who attends when in town and is impressed by how we take care of each other; from an individual who donated to the Memorial Fund in honour of Muriel because of our support for her; from a small local Men’s Breakfast Group who decided that we could “use the money” in the very early days of the pandemic, and from neighbours who came to the “Fall Fling” and supported our efforts by adding to the donation jar for Centre 507. We have also experienced the patience and care of resource staff at all levels of the denomination, and there are numerous other examples. These actions will never be forgotten. Underlying all of F&S’s financial decisions is a strongly-held belief that QUC is not just about financial survival. Our reason for existence is to look after others, and to do God’s work in the wonderful world that God has created. According to QUC’s Mission and Community Statements, “We strive to be faithful servants of God in our time and place”. Our time and place includes a pandemic, but we can still show God’s love to the world through our actions and financial decisions. We pray that this has been accomplished during this most “interesting” year, and we look forward to 2021 with cautious optimism and a new sense of purpose for the future of our church family. With heartfelt thanks to committee members Rose Marie MacLennan and Julia Picotte, for their countless hours of hard work, fruitful collaboration and mutual support in 2020. The gifts that each person brought to the work of this committee were a blessing. Thanks also are due to QUC’s Office Administrator Marilyn Webster, who, after literally three weeks on the job, was thrown into the situation of learning QUC’s office routines and financial support tasks from her home office. She survived, and we all learned together. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Joseph Chair, Finance/Stewardship CommitteeMARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE
Marketing & Communications Committee does not have a volunteer Chairperson in 2020. The committee therefore functions with three members, financial oversight by the Chair of the Finance & Stewardship Committee, and decision-making input from Council members and congregation members as needed. The three committee members are: Ron Newby (QUC Webmaster), Marta Nuijten (QUC Web- site Information Coordinator), and Terry Thompson (QUC Facebook Information Coordinator). Many thanks are due to them for their time spent on these efforts. The stated purpose of our social media sites is “to make information about the church and its activities available to friends of the church and to the public, to form new connections, and to inspire all who are interested”. The site managers are responsible for checking the accuracy of information to be posted, ensuring it is consistent with QUC’s values, and coordinating with each other to keep our media sites consistent and up-to-date. If you have looked at our website http://queenswoodunited.org/, in recent months, you will see that there has been an increased effort to make it current and interesting. The home page “Welcome” message has been updated, the Contact information now includes a picture of Marilyn Webster, ready to serve you, and under Church Life there are pictures of some events from this pandemic year. Much remains to be done. Ron has spent many hours building our site and answering to suggestions for improvement, but the Site Coordinator and Webmaster can do nothing without our input. Please feel free to send suggestions to Marta, and they will be passed along for consideration. QUC’s Facebook page continues to reflect church news and pictures at https://www.face- book.com/QueenswoodUnitedChurch/ , including the beautiful virtual rendition of “Peace, Peace” in which several QUC choir members took part for Christmas. Please don’t hesitate to send content to Terry for posting. The Communications budget is very tiny, but we have advertised QUC activities in the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council newsletter and on the EOORC website, with their far-reaching influence. The largest budget item for many years has been our inclusion in the online and print versions of the Yellow Pages. After an analysis of the statistics provided, it was decided to not renew the subscription for 2021. We are concentrating our energies on improving our social media sites, and encourage you to submit items to the appropriate contact. These social media sites are part of our face to the community, and our aim is to have them accurately reflect the vitality and activities of QUC to the world. If you are interested in participating in this endeavour, please make your wishes known to any Council member. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Joseph Chair, Finance/Stewardship CommitteeMEMORIAL FUND
The Memorial Fund includes Lynne Stacey, Marilyn Joseph and Elayne Bonnell. As there is no clergy participation at present, oversight is covered by Queenswood United Church Council.We received a GST rebate deposit for June $ 70.76. A Memorial donation for Muriel Thompson in September $ 100.00. There was an expense for the annual piano tuning in December 2020 of 110.00 . The current bank balance is $ 6,590.96 Respectfully submitted, Elayne BonnellMEN’S CLUB
Due to COVID-19, the Men’s Club carried on in a reduced manner through much of 2020. Regular meetings were confined to member’s driveways in the warmer weather and in the portables, with social distancing, when it got cold. The Men’s Club was able to carry out two fund-raisers last year. In September it sold books, puzzles, and DVD’s at the Fall Fling market, realizing about $70. Macmillan’s cancelled their spring fund-raiser but resumed operations in the fall. A very successful appeal, organized by the Men’s Club, on behalf of the Church, raised over $300. Instead of donating $100 for clothing for the Mission Tree, the group gave $200 to the Christmas Challenge. Restrictions created by the pandemic resulted in the cancellation of the Church’s grass-cutting contract. Chris, the grass-cutter, offered to do minimal maintenance on the property free of charge. Since he lives in Carleton Place and has his equipment to look after, the Men’s Club gave him $500. Chris hopes to be able to resume regular grass-cutting in 2021. The Club retained its small membership during 2020. One member was on a work assignment in Saskatoon and another requested a temporary absence when the group was forced to meet in- doors. I would like to thank all the members for their support during these challenging times. Respectfully submitted, Don MorwickMILESTONES
Cara Pamela Woodland, born May 9, 2019. Baptised July 26, 2020Funerals
July 25, 2020, Jaqueline Hodges (13.01.20) FuneralTransfers Out
Barb (Bode) Elsey, August 2020 to Alberton Elmsdale PC Barb and Don Johns, September 2020 to Navan-Vars United ChurchWeddings, New Members, Communions – None
Respectfully submitted, Elayne BonnellMINISTRY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE
The normally quiet M&P Committee was much more active in 2020, partially as the result of the pandemic. In March, when it became evident that Queenswood United’s call commitments to Rev. Nancy were becoming financially untenable, the M&P Committee was asked to pursue other ministerial options. Possibilities such as reduced ministry, shared ministry with Navan/Vars, and various forms of alliances with other churches, including Orleans United, were explored. In June a Transition Steering Committee (TSC) was formed by Council to guide the Church in a new direction as a Community of Faith. As part of this group the M&P Committee, together with representatives from Worship and Pastoral Relations, was responsible for finding a viable form of ministry. It concluded, and recommended to Council, that Queenswood United would have to rely on Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (LLWL’s) for assistance with worship services and ordained ministers for pastoral care and to oversee Communions. When Rev. Nancy departed in August, Rev. Mike Perrault, minister at Rothwell United, was appointed as our Pastoral Charge Supervisor. With the able assistance of Elayne Bonnell, two LLWL’s, Marni Hunt Stevens and Heather McGrath, were identified and recommended to the TSC. In mid-August they started to prepare for the Church’s reopening in September. It was agreed that other LLWL’s will be sought to complete a roster in anticipation of the return to regular worship services. Concurrently, and on the advice of Rev. Whit Strong, Chair of the Regional Pastoral Relations Council, the M&P Committee, in consultation with Lynda Rodney who kindly agreed to carry on as pastoral care liaison, approached a number of retired ordained ministers to take on the Church’s pastoral care responsibilities. Queenswood United was very fortunate to be able to retain the Reverends Hilary and Robert Merritt in this role. The Merritts operate as a team in their approach to pastoral care. They telephoned everyone on the Active Residents List and identified several congregants who require ongoing care. The “Two Revs” officiated at a Thanksgiving Communion, our first since the pandemic started, and a Christmas Communion on December 20. Our Church was happy to re-welcome Laurelle Callaghan, a retired military chaplain. She has volunteered to provide worship services and Communion, on occasion. As well, Rev. Laurelle contributes inspirational messages in the CNN. Soon after becoming Queenswood United’s new Office Administrator, Marilyn Webster’s duties were disrupted by COVID-19. Marilyn Joseph was instrumental in relocating the church office to Marilyn Webster’s home and streamlining her duties as much as possible. She was able to transition back in late summer. In spite of all this, Marilyn Webster is becoming an excellent asset to Queenswood United. The upset to the work routine of the church office in 2020 has necessitated postponing her performance review to the New Year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the M&P Committee, Marta Nuijten and Ray Bonnell, as well as all those who assisted it, for their valued input and support during this difficult year. We all look forward to a new, more normal year. Respectfully submitted, Don Morwick, Chair.TRANSITION STEERING COMMITTEE
As reported previously in the Chair Report, the Transition Steering Committee was created at the Council meeting in June 2020 in anticipation of upcoming changes for our community of faith. Those changes had specific reference to how we would seek leaders for worship and pastoral care going forward, since former committee mandates would have to alter to address our current ministry personnel requirements, as well as to how we might need to govern ourselves in the future. Committee members are Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, and Rose Marie MacLennan. The Committee serves to ensure that these issues are dealt with effectively during our transition, in active collaboration with current related committees, those of us in liaison or coordinator roles, our current governing body, and external resource persons, including appropriate personnel from our Regional Council. To date, the Committee has primarily focused on our recent personnel requirements in terms of worship leadership and pastoral care. This has been done in support of the very appreciated ac- tions and efforts of the Ministry and Personnel Committee, Elayne Bonnell as our Worship Coor- dinator, and Lynda Rodney as our Pastoral Care Liaison person. Going forward, the Committee has decided to continue a previous initial exploration completed by Stan Blythe of the various known models of governance for UCC communities of faith. The current search will also seek newly created governance models which would fit our needs at QUC, as we make our way into the future. When ready, the recommended option(s) for future governance as a result of further consultation with relevant stakeholders, will be presented to Council, and then to the Congregation respectfully, for decision. Any supported change in our governance would of course require the approval of Regional Council. Respectfully submitted, Rose Marie MacLennan Member, Transition Steering CommitteeOUTREACH COMMITTEE
Outreach is a group of five who try to help those in need in our community and around the world. Although small, we are blessed with a Congregation that generously supports our work. We began planning in early January for our Lenten Appeal in March, but … The COVID-19 pandemic made life very challenging for us and slowed down our activities after Church was cancelled on March 15. As the lock-down dragged on, we struggled to find ways to continue our work. Finally we decided to focus most of our efforts on Centre 507, a drop-in and support centre at 507 Bank Street. We organized a coffee drive June 9 to 11. The Congregation responded with 35 large tins, safely deposited in Jackie Tuttle’s car on June 11. This was Challenge #1. We continued to keep in touch with Richard LeBlanc, the Executive Director of Centre 507. He told us of their efforts to help their clients. They were unable to serve meals indoors and instituted bag lunches for over 100 people everyday! They asked for juice boxes and granola bars to augment what they would put in their “food-to-go” bags. We issued Challenge # 2 to the Congregation and they responded with 239 juice boxes, 348 granola bars and 16 fruit snack bars! Challenge # 3 (at the Fall Fling, September 12) and Challenge # 4 (November 8 and 10) were the same when Richard gave us a new list of critically needed supplies in late August. The Congregation, again, went above and beyond with their gifts. Challenge # 3 (Challenge # 4): toilet paper 153 rolls (169 rolls), shampoo 31 (28), soap 88 bars (79 bars), razors 145 (99), shaving cream 16 (15), and deodorant 3 (17). All items were delivered to Richard’s home in Queenswood Heights by our dedicated driver, Jackie Tuttle. As the Christmas season drew closer, we turned our attention to our Advent plans – the Mission Tree and the Christmas Challenge. We met via Zoom on October 1. We issued a request to the Congregation once more to help those in need with socks (126 pairs), mitts/gloves (14 pairs), toques (22), and sweat shirt hoodies (6). This is just an abbreviated list of all the gifts that loaded down our Mission Tree. What a wonderful sight on December 6! The Christmas Challenge enabled us to send over $500 to both Centre 507 and to the Orleans-Cumberland Resource Centre (CRC). It is gratifying to this group to have the support of so many to help our community members when they need it the most. We have continued with our other activities. The “Bread” for Bread collection at each Communion was reduced due to fewer services. Nevertheless we were able to send $445.70 to Centre 507 to help with their programs. Lucie Deschamps continues to invest in KIVA on our behalf. She sent out 4 new loans in November and monitors our account, making new loans once we have $100 in the account. The Miriam Centre has moved to a new location at 1803 St. Joseph Blvd., Unit 107. Don’t forget to collect your stamps and old jewelry. They use these items to raise much-needed funds. I would like to thank both Barbara Johns and Marti Scrivens for their dedicated work with Outreach. They have moved on to work with other churches. I am very grateful for the hard-working support of my team members – Lucie Deschamps, Helen Keeney, Vi Newby, and Jackie Tuttle. Without their input and willingness to help, this commit- tee could not exist. Now as we are once again in lock-down, I pray that the vaccine will soon put an end this pandemic and we will be able to gather at the Church to worship and find new ways to serve those in need. God Bless you all for caring and sharing. Respectfully submitted, Bev Morwick, Chair.PASTORAL CARE
As you all are aware ,we have had to make some changes as we no longer have a minister . However, we are lucky to have Reverends Hilary and Robert Merritt join our Pastoral Care Team on a part time basis. They have already joined us in worship as well as lead us in service . They have contacted church members and left messages with those that they were unable to connect with. They have also provided communion and visits to those in need as long as safety protocols were able to be met. They will continue to connect with church members . We also have a list of callers who contact our members, twice a month, to see if they have any issues or are in need of a visit. A small group of us were able to provide our members with shortbreads , which has been a tradition at Queenswood for many years. Thank-you to all our bakers-Janice , Heather, Marilyn , Sharon , Marti and Lynda, all your help was very much appreciated. Albert and Marilyn did the deliveries and the responses were very positive. Sharon Boutin continues to send out cards to those in hospital or in need Respectively submitted, Lynda Rodney & Sharon BoutinPROPERTY
- The furnace filter was changed twice
- I replaced the light in one of the emergency lights in the
- Replaced the batteries in the smoke
- Replaced the battery in emergency light in portable.
- Replaced the thermostat in chapel and lowered the temperature when the chapel is not in use
- Put out the garbage weekly when necessary during Covid-19
- Had furnace annual inspection done
- Fixed broken light post on pass-way in to the chapel
- Screwed down walkway to portable several times
- Replaced steps on west side door of portable
- Repaired window opener in chapel
Early in the year, the Committee received information concerning responses from the Request For Proposal (RFP) process conducted by the United Property Resource Corporation (UPRC) on our behalf, and also on behalf of several other UCC communities of faith in Ontario, who are looking to develop their property. Detailed analysis was completed by the Committee, with our consultant Bob Richards in assessing the two top developer or related organizations of those who had submitted proposals for QUC, with one developer identified as preferred during the process. In May, we met the new CEO of UPRC, Tim Blair, who brought not only real estate experience, but a vivid missional perspective on behalf of the UCC to our shared work. His project perspective aligned nicely with that of our community of faith. Through subsequent meetings and writ- ten communications, we further clarified the QUC community of faith objectives, and instead of pursuing current documentation under development, we requested the creation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would present both the evolved objectives of both QUC and UPRC respectively, and set clear expectations for our work together going forward. Our subsequent work together to that aim resulted in the successful approval of a non-binding MOU between UPRC and QUC, following both its recommendation by our Trustees, and its subsequent approval by our Council, on 23 July. A Congregational Meeting was held on 28 July to ensure the awareness and understanding of the MOU by our community of faith. As part of the process, the Committee engaged a legal advisor who has already provided advice to us in the best interests of QUC, and will continue to do so as needed, throughout the project. Since the summer, both UPRC and our Committee have been actively engaged in the next phase of the development related administrative process. At the time of writing, it is understood that results of that effort should be available for a detailed QUC review within the first quarter of 2021. The requirements of active membership in this Committee have been substantial, in both time and effort. I wish to very sincerely thank Don Morwick and Marilyn Joseph for their obvious dedication, and continued high level of effort toward the attainment of our QUC objectives, in the best interests of QUC, and the local community. Respectfully submitted, Rose Marie MacLennan Chair, Property Development CommitteeTRANSITION STEERING COMMITTEE
As reported previously in the Chair Report, the Transition Steering Committee was created at the Council meeting in June 2020 in anticipation of upcoming changes for our community of faith. Those changes had specific reference to how we would seek leaders for worship and pastoral care going forward, since former committee mandates would have to alter to address our current ministry personnel requirements, as well as to how we might need to govern ourselves in the fu- ture. Committee members are Don Morwick, Marilyn Joseph, and Rose Marie MacLennan. The Committee serves to ensure that these issues are dealt with effectively during our transition, in active collaboration with current related committees, those of us in liaison or coordinator roles, our current governing body, and external resource persons, including appropriate personnel from our Regional Council. To date, the Committee has primarily focused on our recent personnel requirements in terms of worship leadership and pastoral care. This has been done in support of the very appreciated actions and efforts of the Ministry and Personnel Committee, Elayne Bonnell as our Worship Coordinator, and Lynda Rodney as our Pastoral Care Liaison person. Going forward, the Committee has decided to continue a previous initial exploration completed by Stan Blythe of the various known models of governance for UCC communities of faith. The current search will also seek newly created governance models which would fit our needs at QUC, as we make our way into the future. When ready, the recommended option(s) for future governance as a result of further consultation with relevant stakeholders, will be presented to Council, and then to the Congregation respectfully, for decision. Any supported change in our governance would of course require the approval of Regional Council. Respectfully submitted, Rose Marie MacLennan Member, Transition Steering CommitteeVOLUNTEERS
Many parishioners were Volunteers this past year and a great vote of thanks goes out to ALL of them. The volunteers are:V – Vivacious
O – Open minded
L – Loving
U – Understanding
N – Noteworthy
T – Tireless
E – Energizing
E – Ever ready
R – Righteous
S – Sensitive
May God Bless them all. Respectfully submitted, Lynne StaceyWORSHIP COMMITTEE
What an unprecedented church year! Church services stopped March 8th and have not yet re- turned. We now know the “new normal” is still not defined, the future unknown. Long term planning, even short term is impossible. Susan Lukey, editor of “The Gathering” issue 2020/2021 writes that “ humans are creative, re- sourceful and adaptive” We certainly have witnessed this at QUC. So many are determined to discover what we can do. How do we honour some of our traditions, all of our relationships and define our future. We work to stay safe and relevant in our community. What a shock to not celebrate Easter, Pentecost… in church. But we have found ways to worship together. In May, QUC and Rev. Nancy Best became a partner in the East End Collective, 7 churches sharing a weekly virtual worship service now affectionately known as VIRTCH. The members of the collective are: Orleans United Church, Rothwell United, Carleton Memorial and St. Andrews Alliance, MacKay United, St. Paul’s Eastern, and Queenswood United Church. We each contribute to the weekly service, in turn, providing an on-line connection accessed via Facebook and You Tube. We are grateful to Dave Patterson and Dave Clemis for their technical expertise and support. In July, our sacred relationship with Rev. Nancy ended. We thank Nancy and Reg for their contributions to the growth and ministry at QUC. In September, we bravely organized outdoor services. With consideration for caution. We wore masks, distanced, sanitized everything before and after. We brought out the portable piano, microphone and with Lynne Stacey, finally, we were able to sing and pray together. We celebrated thanksgiving in our sanctuary with the two Revs: Hillary and Robert Merritt, our part-time clergy for pastoral care and occasional pulpit supply and celebrated with our now familiar “paper bag communion:. Rev. Laurelle Callaghan volunteered in September to provide additional spiritual nourishment during this time of separation, lockdown, limitations etc. We appreciate the contribution of “Points to Ponder” in our weekly CNN. Laurelle has led us in worship and communion, and graciously was present on Christmas Eve to offer a personal blessing. We thank LLWL Heather McGrath and LLWL Marnie Hunt-Stephens for worship leadership. When chapel worship resumes, we expect to use our clergy, lay worship leaders, and worship volunteers to rotate monthly as often as the pandemic permits. As well, we hope to continue the VIRTCH participation as long as is necessary, with a view to continue sharing resources and services in the future. We truly miss worshipping together in our sanctuary. Especially, we miss the music and singing. A collection of choir members decided to find safe ways of singing so we found a few sunny days in the fall to record anthems outside. There were challenges. We recorded 6 pieces and are still searching for ways to sing and share safely. Our sanctuary services are enhanced by Lynne and our baby grand piano. We have discovered that “reading” the hymns are meaningful also. What a day that will be when together, we can “sing lustily and with good courage” (John Wesley). While it is difficult to be church without worshiping together, we will strive to fulfill our promises as per our mission statement (see attached) Follow us in VIRTCH, in the “Points to Ponder”, call the pastoral care team as needed. We deliver CNN to those not electronically connected. Let us keep each other in our prayers and stay safe. Romans 8: 39 – “for nothing can separate us from the love of God which is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Respectfully submitted, Elayne BonnellAttendance Record 2020
Pre-pandemic protocol | January – March | 284 |
Outside (with masks) | September – October | 61 |
Chapel (masks and distance) | October 11 – December 24 | 497 |
Total | 1802 |